Drax Fury Stack Bug

Pixel 2, Android 8.0.0
Intermittently, and especially at the beginning of the fight, duped Drax's furies do not stack, simply replacing the existing fury. Then, after a few more seconds, the stacking works as intended. This seems to be most frequent in arena combat, and also occurs with Iron Fist's armor breaks, though not with Hyperion's furies on heavy, or Crossbones furies on criticals.

Still waiting for Doc Oc's synergies to be what was promised in his spotlight as well (he should have a synergy with OG Spidey, not just Stark, as that was advertised).


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Iron fist and Drax have 2x types of furys and armor breaks.
    One of them stacks, the other not. That's what you are experiencing
  • SenorPantsSenorPants Member Posts: 102
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    Iron fist and Drax have 2x types of furys and armor breaks.
    One of them stacks, the other not. That's what you are experiencing
    Wow, I did NOT read it that way or even think of them as 2 distinct fury/armor break results. Thanks.

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