4* star shards in battlegrounds

Look I understand this idea sounds weird but it will not hurt anyone. If you make 4* shards cheap in battle grounds store and don’t put a low max to buy I believe a lot of people will buy them because sometimes we have left over battlegrounds tokens and there are always people in iso droughts( which is normally me, not always). I hope you understand this isn’t for wanting to pull a new 4* it’s for iso purposes only. Also, I’m not sure if this is because I’m in a higher alliance than I should be but it feels as if kabam is sending out so many recourses but not even close to as much iso to use on champions. Let me know your thoughts on this!!


  • Nerdkid76Nerdkid76 Member Posts: 13
    I completely disagree I have been always doing all the side quest infact this month I have both side quests 100% completed and I still need a lot more. Maybe if kabam made class specific crystals then those 4* shards would mean something. But I have a **** ton of tech iso for going for the cosmic and tech 4* crystal crystal and I went for cosmic iso and I have no cosmic iso and no good tech champs so actually right now I’m going for the 5* featured for infamous doom because I’m getting the wrong iso.
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