After the fight, tap on your opponents profile picture and hit “report player”. You can also go into the match recap and do the same thing. Please only report what you believe to be legitimate modders. Illegitimate reports go into the same pile and slow things down.
If you have evidence of suspicious behavior, you can also send the info and/or evidence directly to our Support Team. You can reach them from the game’s home screen by clicking the gear-shaped icon in the top-left corner of the screen and scrolling down to the button labeled “Support”. You can also reach them here.
About catching modders. Every month I get an email about certain stats from last month. Sometimes it includes biggest hit. Now I know with certain champs and node combinations you might be able to max out this number. Why don't you open up the max limit on damage recorded and automatically flag them for observation if they repeatedly hit over a certain limit that isn't possible without mods?