Pray to the stars, and lords have awnsered

MaxGamingMaxGaming Member Posts: 3,211 ★★★★★

Years of trying to unlocka rarity of him higher than a 4* and I get this beautiful Peter J Quill


  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    I have been close to ranking mine up (sig 60), but while I understand his benefit I am unsure if I would really ever use him. I want to, but when you have Warlock, Nimrod, Peni, etc., he feels outdated.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
  • AxewAxew Member Posts: 619 ★★★★
    Congrats, just in time for the Mantis synergy too!
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