Nebula Tags

It's been over 5 years now since Nebula was added to the guardians team in GOTG2. She's appeared with them as a part of the team in 4 projects since, Infinity War, Endgame, Love & Thunder, and the Guardians Holiday special. Now, just months away from Guardians 3, how does she not have the #guardians tag? She's not tagged as a villain or a hero, so there's no saying the Nebula in the game is part of Thanos's team. If Agent Venom is going to get that tag (since it's comic accurate) Nebula should definitely be tagged as a guardian in the contest, especially when her appearance in game is the cinematic version. That said, Yondu should have it as well. Fixing these two incorrect taggings could help players take in these champions to complete the special challenges for completing side quests with #guardians. If anyone knows of other incorrect/missing tags, please let me know, because there's most certainly more than these two in the game now.