Straight up suggestions on how to make Psycho man better, hope you Kabam guys will read it!!

Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,587 ★★★★★
Ok, so Psycho man when released was pretty unique-a champion who manipulates the defender to do what he pleases, and gains from that. He have a lot of utility, but his damage and utility do not go hand in hand.. and then you end up having to choose-Damage or utility? That is the problem.
Now for my suggestions!
So I'm of course fine with Hate mode being his primary damage mode, with which you can do more damage than the others, no problem with that!
However, Psycho man need to be able to do SOME damage on his other modes too.
So, I have thought of ways of damage you can give his kit, via a (real) buff, or synergy/es, which also fits to the action Psycho man wants the opponent to do in each mode
So first-Power stings on Fear mode!
Give Psycho man to inflict power stings while in Fear mode! These can be permanent, stacking power stings, 1 adds up every time the defender throws a special attack, and eventually those will do MASSIVE damage once you have stacked enough of those on the defender, making him a long ramp up champ while in Fear mode, or you can just make it via his sp1 or heavy... these will do no less than 60K sting damage for a 6* r4 Psycho man without suicides.
Next-Valkirye utility on Doubt mode!
When I say Valkriye utility, I mean her big white and red block damage numbers, along with pierce buffs!
Give Psycho man that utility while in Doubt mode, a way to get Pierce buffs and inflict a lot of damage through the block!
It's needed that Psycho man will have damage sources on his other modes too because in some fights you really need to use the utility and remain in a certain mode for the while fight
For example if you fight a defender with Surging vengeance node
Or, if he will get something like the Doubt mode suggestion I've mentioned-he will even be a great Penny counter!
Switching modes in the fight prevents his utility from shining.
Now last yet a very simple suggestion-make his Furies permanent.
Thank you, yours truly-a 6* r4 Psycho man owner.


  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,587 ★★★★★
    edited December 2022
    @Kabam Miike
    Please take it to your attention
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    why would he have pierce buffs and power stings as a tech champ? if he ever does get buffed again (which i very much doubt), he would most likely have tech utility like power burn, shock, or special lock
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,587 ★★★★★

    why would he have pierce buffs and power stings as a tech champ? if he ever does get buffed again (which i very much doubt), he would most likely have tech utility like power burn, shock, or special lock

    Well, Hulkling-a Cosmic champ got Pierce
    Valkirye-as a Skill champ got pierce
    Sometimes they give champs from other class things that don't fit their class
    Examples are:
    Proxima have Prowess kinda
    Purgatory can Armor break
    Emma frost have a Power sting!
    And I like that, I think that's the beauty-to give champs abilities from other classes when it actually fits.
    And the reason I think why he can have these abilities is because he's supposed to punish the opponents (look on his Champion spotlight) for doing exactly what triggers these damage sources... don't you think so? If the plan is to make the defender throw specials, that's how he should be damaged, from throwing specials .
    Also the Mr F synergy for Science AND Tech give tech champs Power stings, of course I'm not saying that's why they need to give it to Psycho man, but it makes some sense, some validation, that tech champs can have it too, sometimes
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