Scoring change in battlegrounds

There are plenty of frustrating things in game but this one can be easily fixed.
There is no way that we should lose in BG’s if we K.O. The opponent and the other does not. I just lost one where they got my Fury down to 6% health but had 70% health remaining. I KO’d his Fury but only had 50% health remaining. Due to your poor scoring methods it was a loss. It’s backwards and I am done playing BG’s and spending money here until it’s addressed.
There is no way that we should lose in BG’s if we K.O. The opponent and the other does not. I just lost one where they got my Fury down to 6% health but had 70% health remaining. I KO’d his Fury but only had 50% health remaining. Due to your poor scoring methods it was a loss. It’s backwards and I am done playing BG’s and spending money here until it’s addressed.