Just some thoughts: Carnage can maybe help some players

ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
Hi, folks! Hope all is well!

You know, I know a lot of people have questions about Relics, but one thing they did is make me take a look at a couple of characters I simply don’t use, in this game with 225-plus characters.

The Ant-Man Battlecast had me take a look at Wasp, who I just wasn’t ever going to use, due to the low health pool and the fact that I am a slower player who takes more chip damage than better players do. But I took the kit for a spin a few places and I can see why some people like it.

The other one was the Venom Battlecast. This has nothing to do with the game, but I have basically hated Symbiotes ever since they were introduced, way back in the 1980s. It’s just one of those concepts in comics that doesn’t really work for me, though I totally understand why some people really like them. Again, whatever keeps people interested in this stuff is totally fine by me. But all of the Symbiotes just weren’t for me.

But I pulled a Venom Battlecast and popped it on a 6-star, duped Carnage…and immediately forgot about it. Just didn’t care enough to do anything with it, anywhere.

But for the last few weeks, I have been testing older kits to see of there’s anything sneaky I might be able to pull on someone in Battlegrounds, which has been fun.

But I finally got to Carnage, and I said, “OK. Let’s see what this thing can do.” I did look online and was surprised to find that actually, quite a few videos had been done about how explosive the kit could be with the Red Goblin synergy, and I watched a couple and decided to try it for myself.

NGL: I was honestly shocked at how well it can do, IN THE RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES. Need to be clear about that, because obviously the kit has limitations, just like almost every other kit. I don’t want to pretend that everything is perfect.

But I just took it into Rocket’s Scrapyard, Week 1, against the Ronan and Hercules — two simple, basic fights with 220K health, minor nodes — and it did just fine, with Red Goblin and a couple of other villain synergies.

Couldn’t do the Star-Lord boss because of Biohazard, but that’s OK — a lot of common kits can’t handle Biohazard.

I just thought I would post this not because people didn’t know about Carnage, but because there are so many characters in the game, sometimes a positive post with an example of where someone can use a kit can help a player with not a huge roster maybe give something a shot that they otherwise wouldn’t.

Carnage (duped. Gotta be duped) isn’t difficult to master and can get down some chunky fights in decent time. It can work better than some other options.

Just a positive post, nothing more! Have a good one!


  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    he’s a very fun champion to play

    excellent write up as always esf
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★

    he’s a very fun champion to play

    excellent write up as always esf

    I was really surprised at how fun it was to actually play — that kit starts hitting HARD
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    Forgot: Simple Rotation stuff (again, gotta be duped)

    1. Pop Heavy as soon as you can, for the bleed
    2. Fight normally. Refresh the Heavy, if you need to, to keep the bleed active
    3. Let the passive power gain take you to the SP3 and pop it. That gives you an extended bleed that you really should never lose again, which means you will have passive power gain the entire fight
    4. Fight normally. Mix in some Heavies
    5. For short fights and especially if you have Deep Wounds, SP1 is totally fine
    6. For medium fights, SP2 can get you home faster
    7. For longer fights, drop another SP3 or two. The bleeds stack and you can start seeing some absolute carnage (LOL. Couldn’t resist) depending on how how Genetic adaptations stack

    Have fun!
  • SuelGamesSuelGames Member Posts: 947 ★★★
    Carnage sux, doesnt even break into the cosmic top 15
  • SuelGamesSuelGames Member Posts: 947 ★★★
    edited December 2022

    SuelGames said:

    Carnage sux, doesnt even break into the cosmic top 15

    That's not the point of this post
    ik, im sorry for being negative lol but its true, and responding @ESF: There are other champs that do it better with easier gameplay, Carnage doesnt have a crucial skill that makes u wanna rank him just cause of that
  • CyborgNinja135CyborgNinja135 Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★★
    SuelGames said:

    SuelGames said:

    Carnage sux, doesnt even break into the cosmic top 15

    That's not the point of this post
    ik, im sorry be negative lol but its true, and responding @ESF: There are other champs that do it better with easier gameplay, Carnage doesnt have a crucial skill that makes u wanna rank him just cause of that
    We're discussing the Venom battlecast, which applies to a limited pool of cosmic champions and Carnage happens to be part of that group. The post never claims that Carnage is gonna solve all your problems, only that he's fun with the Venom battlecast
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,885 ★★★★★
    If he had more utility, he'd be really good. I think if his block prof buff was replaced with true strike or sth like that, a minor change, then he'd become very useful.

    I am a big lover of all synergies and Carnage has just so many and such a good ones that I love him
  • CyborgNinja135CyborgNinja135 Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★★
    Also on the topic of Carnage, he desperately needs some utility. I think his damage is fine as is, but he needs something more. Maybe some of the klyntar buff abilities Venom has, or maybe something similar to Valkyrie where he gains new effects if he has a certain number of x buff.
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    SuelGames said:

    SuelGames said:

    Carnage sux, doesnt even break into the cosmic top 15

    That's not the point of this post
    ik, im sorry for being negative lol but its true, and responding @ESF: There are other champs that do it better with easier gameplay, Carnage doesnt have a crucial skill that makes u wanna rank him just cause of that
    Again: Not disputing that other kits can do it better. That is true.

    But come on, now. There is NOTHING complicated about Carnage’s rotation, it the kit is duped. Seriously. That kit is basically Star-Lord/Aegon/Archangel level easy to play. The only thing that is tricky at all is if you want a specific Genetic code, but I found that normal gameplay gives a decent enough mix
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    Kerneas said:

    If he had more utility, he'd be really good. I think if his block prof buff was replaced with true strike or sth like that, a minor change, then he'd become very useful.

    I am a big lover of all synergies and Carnage has just so many and such a good ones that I love him

    NGL: I just might take mine to R2. It’s DEFINITELY not a guarantee, but I saw enough DPS to actually consider it, which was a total surprise to me

    The Block Prof actually stacks pretty well, I thought — I was pretty surprised at how durable the kit was IF IF IF those were the codes that were dominant
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★

    Also on the topic of Carnage, he desperately needs some utility. I think his damage is fine as is, but he needs something more. Maybe some of the klyntar buff abilities Venom has, or maybe something similar to Valkyrie where he gains new effects if he has a certain number of x buff.

    Any of those would be totally fine — definitely wouldn’t mind some kind of True Strike/Unblockable deal like Venom gets to close fights
  • mattressmattress Member Posts: 494 ★★★
    Carnage was my 1st four star when I came back to the game a few yrs ago.was a good starter champ that helped me thru a lot in acts 3-4
  • SuelGamesSuelGames Member Posts: 947 ★★★
    Just put the Venom basttlecast on Venom m8, he s much better champ than Carnage
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