Why not have an "Expert Class Catalyst" added in the Daily Quest for T4 Class Specific Shards?

raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
I think this could help out a lot.

Completion rewards: includes 325 T4 class catalyst fragments
Exploration rewards: includes 750 T4 class catalyst fragments

Easy lane: 5K PI champs, Medium Lane 7K Champs, Hard Lane 10K Champs
Final Boss: 20K Champ


  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    I could actually get behind this idea. Even if it ran every few days like Expert did.
  • xananabananaxananabanana Member Posts: 495
    Please make it happen.
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    In the past Kabam only pop one of these T4cc ad-hoc quest event once a blue moon, probably bcos they wouldn't want to make it too easy for us to get T4cc, although we have to admit those T4cc quest are not worth the ROI, bcos the fragments given are so little. We can better spend the enegry somewhere else, or we can get more fragments or even a fully form T4cc somewhere else.

    However, with the imminent release of 6* champs, with more ppl abondoning ranking up 4*, and shift their focus & priority to ranking up 5* and keeping the resources for future 6*, the resource requirements are getting tougher, so now it makes alot more sense to release regular T4cc quest, preferably matching fragments like the T4b daily quest, and make it a daily one, with same 2 energy / tile requirements. Of course, they can make the AI tougher, or higher PI oppoenents and boss, or tougher nodes, to differentiate it from the daily T4b one.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    edited November 2017
    shchong2 wrote: »
    In the past Kabam only pop one of these T4cc ad-hoc quest event once a blue moon, probably bcos they wouldn't want to make it too easy for us to get T4cc, although we have to admit those T4cc quest are not worth the ROI, bcos the fragments given are so little. We can better spend the enegry somewhere else, or we can get more fragments or even a fully form T4cc somewhere else.

    However, with the imminent release of 6* champs, with more ppl abondoning ranking up 4*, and shift their focus & priority to ranking up 5* and keeping the resources for future 6*, the resource requirements are getting tougher, so now it makes alot more sense to release regular T4cc quest, preferably matching fragments like the T4b daily quest, and make it a daily one, with same 2 energy / tile requirements. Of course, they can make the AI tougher, or higher PI oppoenents and boss, or tougher nodes, to differentiate it from the daily T4b one.

    Correct. It's been done from time to time. However, things are changing. If it were done on a rotation of Classes, over time, it wouldn't become a substitute for the usual sources of T4CC. Especially when about 1000 Shards are earned at a time. Basically, it would go into the pot, so-to-speak. Very useful if you're coming close to a Cat. The primary sources of T4CC will remain the primary sources.
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    Thanks for the replies, guys. Much appreciated.

    Kabam needs to step up their game preparing for the arrival of the 6* champs. Content has become very difficult for those who are not part of the top 10% of the food chain.

    Something as fundamental as a regular t4cc expert daily quest will allow small steps towards ranking up that next 4* or 5*.

    I hope that this is something they will not turn their eyes away from.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    I agree with all the above; but would rather have more frequent quests giving T4 shard crystals, so you didn't just get the once a week quest.
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