Falcon vs Winter Soldier

Woody_federWoody_feder Member Posts: 584 ★★
edited November 2017 in General Discussion
Both are 5* no dupe. Who would you r3, Falcon or Winter Soldier? Put reasons in comments please.

Falcon vs Winter Soldier 32 votes

12% 4 votes
Winter Soldier
87% 28 votes


  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    i like his Redwing!
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    Winter Soldier actually hits hard in comparison. Falcon is horrible
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,345 ★★★★★
    I would do WS but I would also ask whether either is worth R3 unduped, gut feel says no.
  • IdontinksoIdontinkso Member Posts: 156
    WS power drain makes him very useful in attacking bosses aggressively and not triggering sp3. Falcon is one of the worst champs and WS is 4* 5/50 worthy.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    Winter Soldier's damage is far higher, and his ammo choices give him more versatility, even against bleed immune.

    On the other hand, if you don't have any good Ability Accuracy reducing champs, Falcon is worth reconsidering, because he can do that fairly well, if only when Referring is locked on.
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    Falcon used to be useful (vs Magik his lock on blocked Limbo) however after an update it no longer worked and has never been corrected even though we were told it was being looked in to :-/ So Winter Soldier all the way his Power drain is very useful and he causes more damage.
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    Didn't notice the unduped part.. Personally I'd save resources and not rank either of them.. Who knows you may pull Gwenpool on the next one ;-)
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    edited November 2017
    Aagh. Autocorrect! Redwing, obviously.

    Basically, aside from defensive ability accuracy reduction, WS does everything better; and should you dupe them, his Awakened ability is a whole new ability, whereas Falcon's is just more of the same.
  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    I took my 5* WS to 3/45 unawakened and he’s great. His fury is almost always active which increases my attack by around 600 so he hits hard and has great damage over time between incinerate and bleed. Third special damage is brilliant with hollow point or incendiary, particularly if you have Deep Wounds. Around 780 per tic from the bleed and just under 1000 with incinerate on too. Armour piercing is really useful too against the high armour champs. Would definitely choose him over falcon.
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    Winter soldier likely, but falcon has some use
  • RebusUIRebusUI Member Posts: 45
    edited November 2017
    I won’t r3 either at this stage of the game... waste of resources... only if your items are expiring then WS - could power drain, bleed is good, sp2 hits hard
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