Time Manipulation

I would like a new feature/ability for new and/or buffed champs like Kang or Doc Strange who can control time.
It would work by not only could they make debuffs on defenders last longer and debuffs in themselves end quicker but additionally they would make timed nodes active faster or slower.
For examples:
Instead of the defender becoming unstoppable every 20 seconds it is now every 25, 30, 35…seconds
Or once unstoppable, rather than unstoppable for 15 seconds now only for 10, 5,…
Heck why not lengthen the period before time out.
Or slow the time of damage over time debuffs, instead of losing 100% health over 30 seconds, it is now 2 minutes.
It would work by not only could they make debuffs on defenders last longer and debuffs in themselves end quicker but additionally they would make timed nodes active faster or slower.
For examples:
Instead of the defender becoming unstoppable every 20 seconds it is now every 25, 30, 35…seconds
Or once unstoppable, rather than unstoppable for 15 seconds now only for 10, 5,…
Heck why not lengthen the period before time out.
Or slow the time of damage over time debuffs, instead of losing 100% health over 30 seconds, it is now 2 minutes.
And of course reverse healing on defenders is too obvious, so no need to mention