Loki Rework Suggestions

Hi all,

I personally like Loki as a character very much and would love to see him get an update to his kit to better reflect his personality and skills.

Loki Rework Idea:
-Loki's heritage from frost giants gives him inherent coldsnap and frostbite immunity.

Trickster Passive
-Loki Gains a passive Trickster charge whenever the enemy gains a buff.
-When below 5 trickster charges, heavy attacks place a fury buff on the opponent.
This fury has no inherent effect.
-For each trickster charge he gains a 10% chance to summon a clone when hit.

-Loki consumes 3 trickster charges to summon his clone to get hit in his place.

-When above 3 charges. Getting hit while charging a heavy attack makes his trickster
clone get hit instead and loki appears behind the enemy to backstab them for
250% base attack damage consuming 3 trickster charges. This hit gains +2000 crit rating.
-When above 5 charges, light combo ending attacks consume all trickster charges
to steal all of the enemies buffs. Buff durations are fixed at 2.5 seconds but is
increased by 20% for every trickster charge consumed this way.
-Loki gains an indefinite damage charge up to a maximum of 10 for each hit taken
by his trickster clone and for each buff stolen. Scepter attacks gain
20% increased damage per damage charge.

-Scepter attacks deal energy damage.
-Medium attacks are scepter attack.
-Special attacks have scepter attacks.
-Heavy attack backstab is a scepter attack.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this idea.

Many thanks,
Your fellow mcoc player.
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