Very good! After his rework he cheeses unblockable nodes and champs… his awakening is essential to his damage( good that you have him awakened); he doesn’t have any immunities but he is a solid champ!
Very good! After his rework he cheeses unblockable nodes and champs… his awakening is essential to his damage( good that you have him awakened); he doesn’t have any immunities but he is a solid champ!
Very good! After his rework he cheeses unblockable nodes and champs… his awakening is essential to his damage( good that you have him awakened); he doesn’t have any immunities but he is a solid champ!
How much Sig is necessary? 50?
Higher sig the more potent fury. Check on
He's one of my "go-to" champs. Ramp up damage, shock, and most importantly invisibility during SP. Unfortunately I feel like he gets hit too often when invisible and dodging unblockable...but I feel like that's a Kabam issue.
He's one of my "go-to" champs. Ramp up damage, shock, and most importantly invisibility during SP. Unfortunately I feel like he gets hit too often when invisible and dodging unblockable...but I feel like that's a Kabam issue.
Exactly, I got hit by iDoom Sp1 in a dual match. I was confused. But Kabam will aways make sure there are such bugs
Miles is a monster and I’m planning on making him my next r4 science champ. One of my favorites both in the comics and in the game.
As for his sig level, all of its utility is available at sig 1, but the damage scales really nicely so you’ll want that sig as high as you can get it to maximize his damage output.
He's one of my "go-to" champs. Ramp up damage, shock, and most importantly invisibility during SP. Unfortunately I feel like he gets hit too often when invisible and dodging unblockable...but I feel like that's a Kabam issue.
You shouldn't be "dodging" unblockable. Just sit and miss.
As for his sig level, all of its utility is available at sig 1, but the damage scales really nicely so you’ll want that sig as high as you can get it to maximize his damage output.
ppl say he s great for Come out to play Carina Challenge