I've never joined an alliance, am I alone?

Zone4444Zone4444 Member Posts: 14
I've been playing for over six years but I've never joined an alliance. Am I alone?

Sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on rewards and rank up material (and current events) but alliance seems like a headache. I'm Thronebreaker, have a couple six star R3 champs but it will be a while before I get enough resources to R4 a six star and attempt Paragon. It feels like I should be making videos on my 20th R4 6* at this point.

Anyone feel like the time put in an Alliance is really worth it? Anyone in the same situation?


  • THE_MISOTHE_MISO Member Posts: 90
    Zone4444 said:

    I've been playing for over six years but I've never joined an alliance. Am I alone?

    Sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on rewards and rank up material (and current events) but alliance seems like a headache. I'm Thronebreaker, have a couple six star R3 champs but it will be a while before I get enough resources to R4 a six star and attempt Paragon. It feels like I should be making videos on my 20th R4 6* at this point.

    Anyone feel like the time put in an Alliance is really worth it? Anyone in the same situation?

    If you’re an active player then you’re completely missing out on some excellent rank up resources from the glory store and the only way to get glory is in AQ.

    If your active and ready to commit to an alliance let me know
  • Depends on your alliance. I was member of many until I found my current — it is much more relaxed and we’re more about enjoying the game and having fun. I feel fortunate to have found it, been accepted, and remain a member now for some time. Leadership of our alliance (including the founder) are amazing, kind, helpful and encouraging. Makes me want to be a better player (trying!)
  • Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Member Posts: 600 ★★★
    You’re not alone. Alliances aren’t for me either. There’s probably some chill ones out there, but I can’t be bothered to track down and potentially repeatedly try them out. Have you made your own? You’ll get minimal rewards as there obviously won’t be enough members to score big in events, but you will get some stuff
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