Need help who to use 3 generic awakes from BGCs.

gadgetfanaticgadgetfanatic Member Posts: 326
edited December 2022 in Strategy and Tips
With some great luck in this banquet event I was able to pull three generic awakes from GBCs only. I am still working on getting the solo milestone generic awake.

I am looking to use these today but I am also wondering if I should hold some as well…what does the community think.

So here are my options…

Feel free to pick apart my 6 star roster and my rank ups. I don’t mind. 😂

Here is what I am thinking of using…
Mystic Awake: Man-thing
Generic Awakes:
Kitty Pryde, Nick Fury, AA

Contenders: Domino, Knull, Hulkling, Ghost
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • DancingElephantDancingElephant Member Posts: 12
    I agree with your generic picks, but for the mystic awakening gem I would wait for rintrah, tigera, or diablo
  • Gogeta91199Gogeta91199 Member Posts: 990 ★★★★
    Generic on Spidey 2099, ghost and fury or hype
    Mystic on mojo or mephisto
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 3,969 ★★★★★
    Nick fury, mojo and Hyperion with an honourable mention to Archangel.

    That's who I would use them on.
  • CrusaderjrCrusaderjr Member Posts: 1,059 ★★★★
    wait to see how chaves turns out after the buff. but generics are on point. maybe hulkling and hype for runner ups just in case
  • Rudolph_RaindeerRudolph_Raindeer Member Posts: 311 ★★★
    Well, you dont have to use them NOW. The max for 6s generic AGs is no longer locked at five.

  • gadgetfanaticgadgetfanatic Member Posts: 326

    I agree with your generic picks, but for the mystic awakening gem I would wait for rintrah, tigera, or diablo

    Ooh…I actually got man-thing from my abyss nexus. I was aiming for tigra or rintrah and third option was Jugz. None of them showed up.
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