Selling expiring revives

IrakliIrakli Member Posts: 149
Sorry to bring up an old issue but is there any chance that the amount of gold for selling expiring revives and potions can be updated to something reasonable, if a permanent trade-in store is asking too much.


  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    I have been selling revives and potions too.
  • Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Member Posts: 865 ★★★★
    true... but Kabam also made decent coin from people buying units for those MQ offers for those items.... and I have to imagine that has gone way done because people could now have topped off / have no need to do that (even ignoring trading event).

    Even if it isn't a total wash like the T2a/T5b item in the glory store... having a way to permanently/any time trade a L1 health potion for say 4 L2s (strictly to your disadvantage), and then say 2L2s for 3 L1s to prevent them from expiring would be nice (in a way similar to T4CC trade in). So if you had 8 L1 health potions about to expire... you could effectively trade them for only 3 L1s... but those 3 would at least not expire (for another 14 days anyway).

    Same could be done for all the other levels of health potions. Revives could be tricky... some people might argue with champs like herc and corvus around that 2 L2s to 3L1s is to player's advantage / number may need tweaking but Kabam has people who's job is to figure out the "economy of the game" / can figure out appropriate amounts.

    Precedent is set... lots of ways to sell a t2b for a fraction of t3b, the afore mentioned t4cc reroll crystals, etc. But I can also appreciate kabam doesn't want someone with 1000 revives laying around on day 1 of Abyss 2.0.
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