Cav Holiday Gift

Hey this is probably gonna sound arrogant which is in a way is because you can’t get mad at free gift but my wonder is why you decided to give cav players the same gift from last year. For my progression I have no use of this 1- 2 rank up gem as for I have no good 6* or are already ranked them up exclusively thanks to the event got my galan to r3. I understand for some people this item gives what you call “gauranteed” value in no case it can fail but when your giving out gifts to thronebreakers and paragon like abyss nexuses you might aswell consider those gauranteed value to cavs with our roster being far undeveloped. I appreciate the gift nothing less sense it will help me get maybe one of my champs to r2 whenever I get one that’s worth to use it on but I just found it very tone deaf and odd to upgrade the higher tier titles ones that “may” require money to obtain gift while giving us re wrapped presents