Suggestion/more ISO-8

Took a long break from the game (quit in 2017)but am back to the grind. I am pleasantly pleased with the changes and progression the game has come over the last 5 years however with the advent of 6* and soon to be 7* champions in the game the daily proving grounds is far outdated to keep pace with the growing rosters of today's players. I like that we can purchase ISO in the battlegrounds store but the10 box limit only brings a 6* champ up about 10 levels. I currently have 28 6* champions and only about 1/3 of them are higher than R1/1!! I just can't seem to get enough ISO-8 to make a dent in that many high PI champions. I run the daily quests from easy to expert every single day but it only provides enough ISO to bring a 6* up about 3 levels. I've already fully explored acts 1-4 and am in the process of exploring act5 but it's just a slow and agonizing process to get my champs up to par to tackle act 6.2 to go for thronebreaker. I do all the side quests and solo/alliance challenges but the ISO that's provided in game just isn't enough for players with large 6* rosters. Please bring the game up to date for people like me so we can start levelling up our 6* champs at a reasonable pace.