Tips on act 5 chap2

Leepower12Leepower12 Member Posts: 61
Any tip's to become uncollected currently on act5 chap2 map 3


  • Firethumb_1Firethumb_1 Member Posts: 64
    Start grinding units lol... 45&6 are the biggest pains tbh with bane being top of the list ( it's in 5&6) some players didn't find bane a problem and some hated it. Bane play slow and try to time your special attacks to cover the switch over of the bane timer I found champs with long animation on sp 1&2 handy for bane because you can start your special as the timer nears it's end and as it switches over to you your special hands it right back
  • TellthemIAMTellthemIAM Member Posts: 169
    Definitely farm revives and potions, 5.2.4 is when it starts getting really difficult. Take your time read the nodes very carefully.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I didn't mind bane. Caltrops line on 5.2.4 is a pain and, of course, the collector. If you don't have stark spidey it's probably a waste of revives trying to figure out how to evade his L1. Use high damage champs and champs that can chain stun and take him all the way to L3 doing as much damage as possible before you die. Good luck!
  • Leepower12Leepower12 Member Posts: 61
    Thanks all got 2000 units at the min for the collecter
  • LightvayneLightvayne Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    edited November 2017
    If you play it right, you shouldn’t need to use any units for the collector. Just make sure you are stocked up on revives.
    Pretty much no matter what you do, unless you have a maxed out DD classic or get lucky with NC, you are going to get hit no matter what and die on the spot. Any powerlock champs are best here, I founded to be luckliest with SW, between her massive damage and her chance to Powerlock. Also do not waste any health when reviving. As I said, pretty much any attack from a Special is gonna KO you on the spot anyways so don’t waste your time with health.
    I beat the collector with about 12 signal revives on just SW (4 of those where flukes with bad parry timing at the beginning)
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