Loyalty Cap

Ben_15455Ben_15455 Member Posts: 420 ★★
I think this one is a major issue people are having. You can only get 1,000 loyalty a day. I believe that cap should be increased especially with the new updated store and now you can't get any from AQ. I can see why they have a cap but I do t think it should be 1,000. It is outdated and has been in the game forever. I think me and a bunch of other plays believe that the cap should be increased or removed all together.


  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    You are right, but there were a lot of threads on this topic, when there was a major change of the loyalty store. Nothing has been done after them.
  • NosrepNosrep Member Posts: 88
    I think that the cap should be 5000-10,000
  • NosrepNosrep Member Posts: 88
    The cap should not be removed because people would just create alt accounts to farm loyalty
  • Wong_99Wong_99 Member Posts: 604 ★★★
    I think the cap should be 3,000 at the bare minimum
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