Sersi issue with Hercules synergy + Galan Herald

I recently started ranking up my 5* Sersi and when I saw her synergy with Hercules I thought of making Sersi Galan’s Herald. That way after a couple of wins she could get both unblockable (and therefore guaranteed crits) AND fury buffs (from being close to the opponent) on Sersi’s Sp2. The description of Sersi’s synergy with Hercules states that for Sersi: “special hits that break through an opponents block with an unblockable buff become guaranteed critical hits.” When I make her a herald and then break opponents block with her Sp2, the special isn’t a guaranteed critical hit. I’ll attach some pictures as proof, I have both Hercules and Galan on my team and Sersi has the maximum amount of wins for the Herald abilities. It’s clear that this synergy only works with the unblockable buff Sersi gains from being far from her opponent. I was obviously disappointed because the synergy specifically says “with an unblockable buff” (which she gains from being a Herald) and not “with Sersi’s unblockable buff” or something to that effect that specifies it only works with her own unblockable buff. I would love for it to work with other unblockable buffs, or else the synergy wording changed to reflect how it works in game.

Info required
iPhone 12 Pro
iOS 16.1.1
Happens on both WiFi and Cellular
Most recent version as of this post 37.1.1
Happened in Story Quest and Event Quest, I haven’t checked other game modes but I don’t see why it would be different in other modes
Sersi, 5*, rank 2, level 35, Sig ability not awakened
No boosts

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