Kabam community team please read - BG season 4 meta

DoctorHummusDoctorHummus Member Posts: 27
@Kabam Miike please read. This is not an attack nor am I going to insult.

Battlegrounds is a great game mode! It’s very new and very fun. Unfortunately, this seasons meta has not been very well received by the community. I understand that the game must maintain a level of difficulty because that’s what makes it fun and I’m looking forward to other metas released in future seasons.

Mike, this meta is clearly not enjoyable. There are many many threads about people complaining. I do appreciate a meta that requires a diverse roster but this is way too specific. Even for an account where I have 10 rank 4s and over 20 rank 3s. I imagine my account is within the top 25% of the user base and I’m still struggling. I can’t imagine other users who don’t have an account like mine.

I can appreciate the concept of the Meta and I understand this may have been well thought out before the release but it is not doing well in execution.

I have worked in software development for years and there are times where something is released and isn’t well received. We can’t be attached to all of our ideas in this manner.

I think the user base would really appreciate if you and the dev team can come up with something that will make this season more enjoyable.

I know the pressures that we sometimes face but I hope you can understand that the user experience should be a priority.

Even if others comment on this thread supporting this meta, the majority aren’t in favour. I have players in my alliance looking to retire again.

Look at it from the user experience lens, it’s clearly failing and I hope you’ll do something about it.

Your friendly neighborhood summoner.


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  • DoctorHummusDoctorHummus Member Posts: 27

    Valk doesn't even have armor break or nullify
    Get creative mate

  • DoctorHummusDoctorHummus Member Posts: 27
    See my last screenshot as examples of how this meta just isn’t working. The handful of scenarios that you’re going to point out are in the minority.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    edited January 2023

    See my last screenshot as examples of how this meta just isn’t working. The handful of scenarios that you’re going to point out are in the minority.

    What is it about your last screenshots shows the meta isnt working other than you or your opponent didn't have good counters.
  • AJ007AJ007 Member Posts: 15
    This meta is good for players who have less r4s like me. Its bad for guys who have all big damage dealers at r3 and r4 which are not working here. That is the reason they are complaining. BG should be about more diversity than having high rankups.
  • DoctorHummusDoctorHummus Member Posts: 27

    See my last screenshot as examples of how this meta just isn’t working. The handful of scenarios that you’re going to point out are in the minority.

    What is it about your last screenshots shows the meta isnt working other than you or your opponent didn't have good counters.
    But that’s exactly my point! Lol yes we didn’t we specific counters. Key word specific.
    But we should be able to have a legitimate shot at completing the fight. This meta does not allow for you to have a chance if you don’t have the right counter. Which is based on chance when drafting which is also based on if you actually have those counters lol
    The meta needs to reach a broader range so that fights don’t end up like this.
    It’s not fun.
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  • Shadow_ShooterShadow_Shooter Member Posts: 506 ★★★
    Since I’ve started playing this game, this is the worst experience in a game mode. Thanks now I hate it.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★

    See my last screenshot as examples of how this meta just isn’t working. The handful of scenarios that you’re going to point out are in the minority.

    What is it about your last screenshots shows the meta isnt working other than you or your opponent didn't have good counters.
    But that’s exactly my point! Lol yes we didn’t we specific counters. Key word specific.
    But we should be able to have a legitimate shot at completing the fight. This meta does not allow for you to have a chance if you don’t have the right counter. Which is based on chance when drafting which is also based on if you actually have those counters lol
    The meta needs to reach a broader range so that fights don’t end up like this.
    It’s not fun.
    How many champs do you think can handle this meta?
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★

    This is my deck
    the champs I have put out of my deck are
    r4 apoc
    r4 ghost
    r3 stryfe
    r3 shang chi
    r3 torch
    r3 prof x
    r3 void
    and there are more of these r3 I am using so many of the meta chamos who are 5star

    my qs also doesnt have any armor up, armor break or mystic quality but he is tough to fight and so he is in
    killing ham isnt too hard and using him as a attacker is definitely not gonna work.

    Very similar balance to my deck and also missing hulkling and galan as you are :-( I kept r3 torch in though, as parry, heavy and a lot of parry is still good for taking out most mystics in under 20 hits and leaving around 60% health. But I've r3 KG and r2 Venompool and red goblin in the mix.

    I'm finding it an interesting meta. Sometimes it is a case of who loses least health and there's far more champion knowledge required, rather than just getting wiped out by decks stacked with all the 2021 and 2022 champions at r3+.
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