Kabam community team please read - BG season 4 meta

@Kabam Miike please read. This is not an attack nor am I going to insult.
Battlegrounds is a great game mode! It’s very new and very fun. Unfortunately, this seasons meta has not been very well received by the community. I understand that the game must maintain a level of difficulty because that’s what makes it fun and I’m looking forward to other metas released in future seasons.
Mike, this meta is clearly not enjoyable. There are many many threads about people complaining. I do appreciate a meta that requires a diverse roster but this is way too specific. Even for an account where I have 10 rank 4s and over 20 rank 3s. I imagine my account is within the top 25% of the user base and I’m still struggling. I can’t imagine other users who don’t have an account like mine.
I can appreciate the concept of the Meta and I understand this may have been well thought out before the release but it is not doing well in execution.
I have worked in software development for years and there are times where something is released and isn’t well received. We can’t be attached to all of our ideas in this manner.
I think the user base would really appreciate if you and the dev team can come up with something that will make this season more enjoyable.
I know the pressures that we sometimes face but I hope you can understand that the user experience should be a priority.
Even if others comment on this thread supporting this meta, the majority aren’t in favour. I have players in my alliance looking to retire again.
Look at it from the user experience lens, it’s clearly failing and I hope you’ll do something about it.
Your friendly neighborhood summoner.
Battlegrounds is a great game mode! It’s very new and very fun. Unfortunately, this seasons meta has not been very well received by the community. I understand that the game must maintain a level of difficulty because that’s what makes it fun and I’m looking forward to other metas released in future seasons.
Mike, this meta is clearly not enjoyable. There are many many threads about people complaining. I do appreciate a meta that requires a diverse roster but this is way too specific. Even for an account where I have 10 rank 4s and over 20 rank 3s. I imagine my account is within the top 25% of the user base and I’m still struggling. I can’t imagine other users who don’t have an account like mine.
I can appreciate the concept of the Meta and I understand this may have been well thought out before the release but it is not doing well in execution.
I have worked in software development for years and there are times where something is released and isn’t well received. We can’t be attached to all of our ideas in this manner.
I think the user base would really appreciate if you and the dev team can come up with something that will make this season more enjoyable.
I know the pressures that we sometimes face but I hope you can understand that the user experience should be a priority.
Even if others comment on this thread supporting this meta, the majority aren’t in favour. I have players in my alliance looking to retire again.
Look at it from the user experience lens, it’s clearly failing and I hope you’ll do something about it.
Your friendly neighborhood summoner.
Keep in mind, this is only for this season and next season it will change again.
Keep the power burn in respect of amour up champions.
When we have the evade node it only applied to evade chanpions. There wasn't a node that made every champion evade.
That's the issue this time round.
The meta penalizes you for not having the right counter. There should be something in there like armor break on intercept so that you can use your champions that you have ranked.
Just saying “rank up the right champs” is not a solution. You have to have the champs to rank them up.
You’re really not make a strong case for your point. I have valkeryie too and she’s great in this meta, not arguing that. Also going up against a favourable matchup in your screenshot.
I understand what you’re saying that there are counters but A) there’s not many and
The Meta should challenge roster diversity but to a degree.
But we should be able to have a legitimate shot at completing the fight. This meta does not allow for you to have a chance if you don’t have the right counter. Which is based on chance when drafting which is also based on if you actually have those counters lol
The meta needs to reach a broader range so that fights don’t end up like this.
It’s not fun.
I'm finding it an interesting meta. Sometimes it is a case of who loses least health and there's far more champion knowledge required, rather than just getting wiped out by decks stacked with all the 2021 and 2022 champions at r3+.
want out of bg?
Selected nodes - what nodes do you people want? or best...no nodes...not even the health and attack bonus.. is that what you moaners and whiners want? Then how do you ever grow playing this game?
Opponent selection - what do you want kabam to do? Draw you with someone your own size? If you're on a winning streak, you're bound to b drawn to higher level players..not due to roster size but due to your skill level.. if players of your level cant go on a winning streak like you, you'll end up drawing players with bigger, better roster than yours..
Some of you seriously need to think if BG is even for you... this thread shouldn't even exist..