Help with 6 star nexus - two great champs but need high sig

IcepickisbackIcepickisback Member Posts: 33
edited January 2023 in Strategy and Tips
This account is not quite 2 months old. (Restarted as f2p). I’m moving slowly through story mode (at 6.1.1) and won’t have a bounty of awakening gems, 6-star shards or 6 star sig stones anytime soon. Which would you pick?

Current 6-star roster:

Skill: Kingpin
Science: spider-ham, she-hulk
Cosmic: Hercules (awakened), Hyperion
Tech: ultron, sentinel, punisher 99, Mysterio
Mutant: storm pyramid x
Mystic: Diablo (awakened), Mordo,

Help with 6 star nexus - two great champs but need high sig 39 votes

Captain America (infinity war)
JinxesaxeStertsl 2 votes
Spity68SpeedbumpGK_23Darkrider05Total_Domin01Rbk19yuwLogan00GeeFunkadelic84AmaadAkiraZeronaut81IvarTheBonelessDasiteBocksaroxFiiNCHOmedennRenaxqqGiantwalrus56QfuryNgoalong711 36 votes
Dr Voodoo
Woody15 1 vote
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


  • BigBusterBigBuster Member Posts: 294 ★★★
    Cap is significantly lacking utility w/o sig. Knull is still great, it's just that your ramp up is longer (which is more of a convenience thing). All his utility is there.
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,134 ★★★
    Knull needs some sigs but cap needs all 200 to be OP. I would pick Knull myself. I have 2 science ag and still wouldn’t use it on cap as I only have 100 sigs for him (but have max sig 5* cap already).
    This is a long term strategy…
  • GryphonMasterGryphonMaster Member Posts: 13
  • IcepickisbackIcepickisback Member Posts: 33
    I am very surprised to see such Knull love. (Never had him on my main). I’m glad I posted this poll.

    With An awakened Herc and a newly minted (but unawakened) Hyperion in my roster where would I use Knull? I have heard he is a popular option for the abyss and very very long fights. And supposedly quite suicide friendly, as a lot of roster is
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★

    I am very surprised to see such Knull love. (Never had him on my main). I’m glad I posted this poll.

    With An awakened Herc and a newly minted (but unawakened) Hyperion in my roster where would I use Knull? I have heard he is a popular option for the abyss and very very long fights. And supposedly quite suicide friendly, as a lot of roster is

    EQ too and he's useful in BG. And if you join an alliance you'll want that kind of option.

    And yes, your roster is *very* suicide friendly.
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    Knull doesn't NEED high sig....I used him unawakened for months....ramp up is just faster awakened
  • mattressmattress Member Posts: 494 ★★★
    Knull unless u u can heavily invest in beardo.
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