Six star rank up

HardtopHardtop Member Posts: 2
edited January 2023 in Strategy and Tips
Hi I have a rank up gem to rank up a six star to rank 2 and enough resources to do another one to make two on total.

Currently just become cavalier and looking to next stage. I don't use suicides and an average player to need the health pool of six stars to help

I've been lucky with last rewards in actually getting good champs at last! Only have one champ over R1 misdty knight and don't use her a lot
These are champs I've shortlisted

Thing - i got a maxed 5* duped version already but thing is good. Also have maxed 5* doom and torch for synergy and just pulled a 5* Mr fantastic

Cgr I have a duped maxed 5* but I do love playing him!

Diablo again have a 5* but only R3 never could fully master him. But having a six star makes me think I should learn him

Havok I do like him so far but still not sure if to rank up

Gully 2099 now again have a 5* but never ranked her up due to other tech champs. I've started playing her and she seem awsome. But my biggest worry is her health pool .not the best player so I do take hits a lot too

Thor he does seem good and I have a 5* Angela for synergy

Other outsiders are
King Groot but feel should wait to be awakened
Bwdo I have a maxed 5* already so may leave
Morning star
Sasquatch for someone with big health pool he is underwhelming

My current main rooster is
5* maxed cgr duped
5* maxed king pin duped
5* maxed doom
Then I mix other up a bit

Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
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