Undupped 5* blade worth r3?

SIlverProfessorSIlverProfessor Member Posts: 520 ★★
Is he worth the resources if he’s undupped?


  • SIlverProfessorSIlverProfessor Member Posts: 520 ★★
    I don’t have him yet but heard he’s good. I know his dup gives him the good regen.
  • KingyakoopaKingyakoopa Member Posts: 203
    People are lieing... Blade sucks... if you have faced him many times in arenas... He really isn't nothing great...
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    Yes Blade is good so r3 him!
  • FlazinatorFlazinator Member Posts: 126
    Blade is still an amazing champ unduped. Great vs magik/dimentional beings. Synergies make him an even more beast. He’s an attacker not a defender which is why he’s not hard to beat in arenas. But then again who is hard to beat in arenas? Definitely worth r3 and even r4 unduped imo unless u have better options who are duped.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    People are lieing... Blade sucks... if you have faced him many times in arenas... He really isn't nothing great...

    Wow. Have you ever faced SL in arena? One of the easiest champs to beat. He must suck. Now that I understand that if the AI is easy to beat in arena the champ sucks I'd like to sell my 4/55 SL and Blade.
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    Is he worth the resources if he’s undupped?

    Unduped Blade is worth r4 too. With the game progressing towards 6*s, you're bound to awaken him one way or another.
    He has all his utilities except his regen.
    Look at it this way, champs like GP, Iceman, AA etc also have no regen.

    Blade is a total mystic killer in AW. When you dupe him, it's a bonus. A really good one though.
  • KingyakoopaKingyakoopa Member Posts: 203
    People are lieing... Blade sucks... if you have faced him many times in arenas... He really isn't nothing great...

    Wow. Have you ever faced SL in arena? One of the easiest champs to beat. He must suck. Now that I understand that if the AI is easy to beat in arena the champ sucks I'd like to sell my 4/55 SL and Blade.

    SL and Blade is not even in the same category. Not even close on offense...
  • CrusherCrusher Member Posts: 305
    People are lieing... Blade sucks... if you have faced him many times in arenas... He really isn't nothing great...

    Wow. Have you ever faced SL in arena? One of the easiest champs to beat. He must suck. Now that I understand that if the AI is easy to beat in arena the champ sucks I'd like to sell my 4/55 SL and Blade.

    SL and Blade is not even in the same category. Not even close on offense...

    Lol... I don't think starlord can bleed .. Blade bleed is insane...
    And I don't think starlord reduce ability accuracy of mystic champs... Blade have some most insane utilities in this game and synergies.
    U don't know what u r saying
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