How come the Grandmaster's lofty standards don't apply to Alliance Wars?

AW is a complete mess. It's totally bugged:
1) Sometimes my champs don't even move
2) Specials don't fire
3) How come some of the heal nodes heal more than advertised
4) How come opponent go so fast, you don't even have time to react.
It's a total mess.
This occured because they keep putting buggy buffs on the nodes. The more buffs=The more the software has to do it's calculations and everything gets all bugged and screwed up. The first iteration of war didn't have this many bugs.
You guys should compensate the community for these lost units on revives and heals because of the Grandmasters blunders.
I bet anything, Kabam employees don't even play AW. It's disgustingly bugged and anyone who tested it would know it.
1) Sometimes my champs don't even move
2) Specials don't fire
3) How come some of the heal nodes heal more than advertised
4) How come opponent go so fast, you don't even have time to react.
It's a total mess.
This occured because they keep putting buggy buffs on the nodes. The more buffs=The more the software has to do it's calculations and everything gets all bugged and screwed up. The first iteration of war didn't have this many bugs.
You guys should compensate the community for these lost units on revives and heals because of the Grandmasters blunders.
I bet anything, Kabam employees don't even play AW. It's disgustingly bugged and anyone who tested it would know it.
Prior to that there seemed to be some stability my side.
Scouter lens to be fixed first.
Please kabam, you know that diversity is rarely the tie breaker. It's always defender rating. Come up with a fix quick because I know myself as well as others are getting really bored with this war system.
Pic related.
more bugs = less game
more game = less game
Kabam logic...