New difficulty in EQ, legend run

ZolobacsiZolobacsi Member Posts: 140 ★★
I just heard about the new difficulty in event quests and some changes/renaming the lower difficulties. Can't find it in the news section. Is it going to have any affect on legend run? I was thinking to try it this month, would be good if someone could confirm that it's going to work.


  • ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Nothing changed when cavalier difficulty was added so I'd be very surprised if anything changes this time.
  • ZeiramMRZeiramMR Member Posts: 101
    I suspect the only change is that instead of Legend runs requiring the two difficulties with names like "Master" it will be their equivalent "Threat Level" numbers.
  • AllnamesbetakenAllnamesbetaken Member Posts: 123
    I think they said that the threat levels are only for side quest and arent limited to progression (conqueror can challenge threat level 5 if they rlly want to use unit man). However event quest will be changed in a pogression based format, so thronebreaker at the top then cav, uncollected etc. Regarding legend runs, it was asked in the thread but not answered. I wont make any assumptions, we will just have to see if kabam responds.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,166 ★★★★★
    ZeiramMR said:

    I suspect the only change is that instead of Legend runs requiring the two difficulties with names like "Master" it will be their equivalent "Threat Level" numbers.

    Threat levels are for side quests not event quests so no, that won't be it either. Event quests are going to be named by progression levels.
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,082 ★★★★★
    I’ve asked but no response yet. Hopefully it will be mentioned in the monthly content message that comes out tomorrow.
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