BG really need more focus and resources from Kabam

FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
edited March 2023 in Bugs and Known Issues
I can imagine that BG Mode is the main start Mode for MCOC, bring new life into the game and giving players some new and exciting to focus on (especially the endgame players).

We are in our 4th season now and there are still so many issues and glitches with the Mode.

In the Mode where ever fights and results matter and have a big impact to where you stuck in a rank or progress, and yet we still get this kind of problem.

Here I have 2 fights, both of which I defeat the Def, but both results came out differently.

1st Fight is a basic text book match up, Galan (awaken) vs Peni, simple a few seconds to build up, heavy and a SP, and done. No matter what skill level anyone might be, it would be impossible to get this results.

Even if I were to stand still Peni couldn't finish me with 0 second. I was still connected to the game as that was the 2nd fight and I was still connect for the 3rd fights. Luckily in that Match I managed to won the 1st and 3rd, but really I should even have to do the 3rd.

2nd Match Up and in the 3rd Fight, about 15 mins after, after resetting the game. I didn't do that well, but did managed to get Warlock down, but nope apparently Warlock KOed my W Mag in 0 seconds.

But that fight was a decider so lost the Match.

With all of this month Node controversy, the Matching system that give match up with accounts x3 your side, the Mods and the Pausing issues, and you still try your best only to get these glitches, it does make you wonder why would you bother with your time and money.

Definitely not the best way to encourage participation.
Post edited by Kabam Miike on


  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    I first reported this bug back at the begin of January.

    It is now the beginning of March, and still the bug persist. Wasting ingame resources and real life time.

    Sure it now on the "Bug Acknowledged Board", but how long does Kabam expect their players to endurance this unstability of the game, let not forgot the ongoing input issues and lag.

  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    If you ask nicely, I am sure they'll press their magic "fix this bug" button they have. I'm sure it's no more complicated than that.
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  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★

    If you ask nicely, I am sure they'll press their magic "fix this bug" button they have. I'm sure it's no more complicated than that.

    Are you serious with this? We all know that they don't fix things with magic buttom but a couple of days ago they were able to fix that disastrous day of bg within a couple of hours, are you telling me that this specific bug is so complicated that it's been 4 MONTHS (it's been happening since season 2, at least with me) and they were unable to fix it? Sorry but it's naive to deffend something like that, i think it's more of a priority issue
  • VestasCureVestasCure Member Posts: 137 ★★

    If you ask nicely, I am sure they'll press their magic "fix this bug" button they have. I'm sure it's no more complicated than that.

    This. The amount of "this has been going on for like a month" is astounding to me. People with zero comprehension regarding the time some of the lesser bugs/kinks in games take to sort out constantly complaining about it is rough.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Kabam is perfect and they can't do a bit more or at least be a bit better about letting the community know what's going on, but so many people seem to think Kabam can just go in and fix every bug within a day or two gets aggravating to see after a while.
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★
    Gmonkey said:

    I would prefer inputs being fixed or recommendation on device that has the least issues. Failed so many parries and dexing this morning.

    Not only that, sometimes you parry and the ''parry'' message shows up but the deffender doesn't get stun (without any nodes or ability that would prevent the stun)
  • VestasCureVestasCure Member Posts: 137 ★★
    edited March 2023

    If you ask nicely, I am sure they'll press their magic "fix this bug" button they have. I'm sure it's no more complicated than that.

    Are you serious with this? We all know that they don't fix things with magic buttom but a couple of days ago they were able to fix that disastrous day of bg within a couple of hours, are you telling me that this specific bug is so complicated that it's been 4 MONTHS (it's been happening since season 2, at least with me) and they were unable to fix it? Sorry but it's naive to deffend something like that, i think it's more of a priority issue
    Yes, that is likely what he's saying. Notice anything about what was fixed within a few hours? A huge deal that was causing issues to a ton of players and making it near unplayable. That is a far cry from these periodic and player specific bugs.

    Likely what was causing the "disastrous day of bg" was something in their backend that they were about to root out and deal with. Other bugs are likely device or connection specific and take MUCH more detail to go in and deal with, if they're ever able to fully be dealt with. Stop acting like all bugs are equal, that's not how any of this works.

    Edit: I understand the confusion since it is backwards thinking, in most peoples mind the worse something is the harder it should be to deal with. But in reality the opposite is usually true for code. Larger bug/bigger issue (usually) means easier find/fix. So yes, larger issues are going to be dealt with easier. Call it a "priority issue" or whatever makes you think Kabam is the devil, but these things are a lot more complicated than 90% of people on this forum give it credit for.
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★

    If you ask nicely, I am sure they'll press their magic "fix this bug" button they have. I'm sure it's no more complicated than that.

    Are you serious with this? We all know that they don't fix things with magic buttom but a couple of days ago they were able to fix that disastrous day of bg within a couple of hours, are you telling me that this specific bug is so complicated that it's been 4 MONTHS (it's been happening since season 2, at least with me) and they were unable to fix it? Sorry but it's naive to deffend something like that, i think it's more of a priority issue
    Yes, that is likely what he's saying. Notice anything about what was fixed within a few hours? A huge deal that was causing issues to a ton of players and making it near unplayable. That is a far cry from these periodic and player specific bugs.

    Likely what was causing the "disastrous day of bg" was something in their backend that they were about to root out and deal with. Other bugs are likely device or connection specific and take MUCH more detail to go in and deal with, if they're ever able to fully be dealt with. Stop acting like all bugs are equal, that's not how any of this works.
    I never said that bugs are equal nor something like that, i'm saying that 4 months is a hell of a long time for a bug to be active like that and are reported almost every day, making people lose important resources and etc, this type of thinking of ''oh this bugs must be hard and i'm sure they making a slow progress'' while months pass by and the bugs is still active, we have had bugs that lasted almost a year, how can you normalize this?
  • VestasCureVestasCure Member Posts: 137 ★★

    If you ask nicely, I am sure they'll press their magic "fix this bug" button they have. I'm sure it's no more complicated than that.

    Are you serious with this? We all know that they don't fix things with magic buttom but a couple of days ago they were able to fix that disastrous day of bg within a couple of hours, are you telling me that this specific bug is so complicated that it's been 4 MONTHS (it's been happening since season 2, at least with me) and they were unable to fix it? Sorry but it's naive to deffend something like that, i think it's more of a priority issue
    Yes, that is likely what he's saying. Notice anything about what was fixed within a few hours? A huge deal that was causing issues to a ton of players and making it near unplayable. That is a far cry from these periodic and player specific bugs.

    Likely what was causing the "disastrous day of bg" was something in their backend that they were about to root out and deal with. Other bugs are likely device or connection specific and take MUCH more detail to go in and deal with, if they're ever able to fully be dealt with. Stop acting like all bugs are equal, that's not how any of this works.
    I never said that bugs are equal nor something like that, i'm saying that 4 months is a hell of a long time for a bug to be active like that and are reported almost every day, making people lose important resources and etc, this type of thinking of ''oh this bugs must be hard and i'm sure they making a slow progress'' while months pass by and the bugs is still active, we have had bugs that lasted almost a year, how can you normalize this?
    You did imply that bugs are equal by trying to draw a comparison between a large issue affecting the entire player base and (what is likely) a device or connection specific bug.

    I'm not normalizing it, I'm drawing a line in the sand with the amount of people that do think it is as simple as pressing a button to fix anything. Maybe you understand more than I give you credit for, in which case I apologize. But reality is the vast majority of people complaining on here simply don't understand that.

    And how do you know no bugs are being fixed? How do you know people aren't submitting bugs through the app and it's being addressed and worked on? Game forums are like reviews, when people are happy they likely aren't going to make a post. Someone isn't going to come in here and exclaim how happy they are they aren't having input issues anymore or haven't had a bg bug in a month or two. From personal experience, that's exactly what happened to me. Reality is, humans only care to put in the effort to post things when they're mad, not when they're happy. So maybe bugs are never getting fixed, but maybe they are and you just don't see that? Has that remotely crossed your mind?
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★

    If you ask nicely, I am sure they'll press their magic "fix this bug" button they have. I'm sure it's no more complicated than that.

    Are you serious with this? We all know that they don't fix things with magic buttom but a couple of days ago they were able to fix that disastrous day of bg within a couple of hours, are you telling me that this specific bug is so complicated that it's been 4 MONTHS (it's been happening since season 2, at least with me) and they were unable to fix it? Sorry but it's naive to deffend something like that, i think it's more of a priority issue
    Yes I am serious with it. It's ok to not know that there are varying levels of bugs that can happen in software development. Sometimes it will be easy to identify an issue and fix it right away.

    The bug that the OP is referring to is a syncing issue with the game client and the server. There are a lot of things that can cause this, whether it's the servers the game is run on, or the device that the game is on. I have tested a couple of scenarios myself because I have had it where if I am in my office at work, my connection is not great, many times I'll get a match and miss the banning phase and my first selection. But at home on my Wifi, I don't get those issues.

    I have AT&T for wireless carrier and a Pixel 6 Pro. In my office at work, my indicator says I am on LTE data which is probably 4G. Outside of work, my phone connection is able to swap to 5G. Even with 5G, I still have issues with not connecting to banning phase quickly and either short on time or miss it completely. At home on wifi, I haven't ever had that issue.

    Now, what the OP is experiencing isn't what I described above exactly, but can be affected in the same manner of connectivity. They played the match but the game server doesn't sync to that fight result and turns it into a timeout or instant KO/disconnect. The problem that Kabam is probably trying to figure out is how that is happening. The other problem that they have is that while many are reporting that problem, no one gives any details other than screenshots. No device info, no carrier info or connection info at all. It makes it infinitely more difficult to pinpoint a problem that SOME experience vs a problem like you mentioned that EVERYONE experiences.

    To OP"s point, diverting resources to this issue won't fix it faster or make it easier. Kabam isn't a novice developer with 2 people who are brand new to game development trying to make this work. if they can't fix it quickly, it's because it's not something that's an easy fix. For example, COD had a major bug with how items drop when switched in Warzone 2.0. They'd drop to the ground and you couldn't pick them up. They couldn't fix that, they literally had to get rid of the backpack loot mechanic in order to fix it. Now it's back to how it was in WZ 1.0 and drops in a circle. They make hand over fist more money than Kabam and they have way more bugs than MCOC does. Money and amount of devs aren't the end all be all solution to fixing bugs quickly.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★

    If you ask nicely, I am sure they'll press their magic "fix this bug" button they have. I'm sure it's no more complicated than that.

    Are you serious with this? We all know that they don't fix things with magic buttom but a couple of days ago they were able to fix that disastrous day of bg within a couple of hours, are you telling me that this specific bug is so complicated that it's been 4 MONTHS (it's been happening since season 2, at least with me) and they were unable to fix it? Sorry but it's naive to deffend something like that, i think it's more of a priority issue
    Yes, that is likely what he's saying. Notice anything about what was fixed within a few hours? A huge deal that was causing issues to a ton of players and making it near unplayable. That is a far cry from these periodic and player specific bugs.

    Likely what was causing the "disastrous day of bg" was something in their backend that they were about to root out and deal with. Other bugs are likely device or connection specific and take MUCH more detail to go in and deal with, if they're ever able to fully be dealt with. Stop acting like all bugs are equal, that's not how any of this works.
    I never said that bugs are equal nor something like that, i'm saying that 4 months is a hell of a long time for a bug to be active like that and are reported almost every day, making people lose important resources and etc, this type of thinking of ''oh this bugs must be hard and i'm sure they making a slow progress'' while months pass by and the bugs is still active, we have had bugs that lasted almost a year, how can you normalize this?
    So what's the solution. You say they shouldn't last 4 months or a year. How do they fix it? What method should they take? Is it client side or server side?
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★
    edited March 2023

    If you ask nicely, I am sure they'll press their magic "fix this bug" button they have. I'm sure it's no more complicated than that.

    Are you serious with this? We all know that they don't fix things with magic buttom but a couple of days ago they were able to fix that disastrous day of bg within a couple of hours, are you telling me that this specific bug is so complicated that it's been 4 MONTHS (it's been happening since season 2, at least with me) and they were unable to fix it? Sorry but it's naive to deffend something like that, i think it's more of a priority issue
    Yes, that is likely what he's saying. Notice anything about what was fixed within a few hours? A huge deal that was causing issues to a ton of players and making it near unplayable. That is a far cry from these periodic and player specific bugs.

    Likely what was causing the "disastrous day of bg" was something in their backend that they were about to root out and deal with. Other bugs are likely device or connection specific and take MUCH more detail to go in and deal with, if they're ever able to fully be dealt with. Stop acting like all bugs are equal, that's not how any of this works.
    I never said that bugs are equal nor something like that, i'm saying that 4 months is a hell of a long time for a bug to be active like that and are reported almost every day, making people lose important resources and etc, this type of thinking of ''oh this bugs must be hard and i'm sure they making a slow progress'' while months pass by and the bugs is still active, we have had bugs that lasted almost a year, how can you normalize this?
    You did imply that bugs are equal by trying to draw a comparison between a large issue affecting the entire player base and (what is likely) a device or connection specific bug.

    I'm not normalizing it, I'm drawing a line in the sand with the amount of people that do think it is as simple as pressing a button to fix anything. Maybe you understand more than I give you credit for, in which case I apologize. But reality is the vast majority of people complaining on here simply don't understand that.

    And how do you know no bugs are being fixed? How do you know people aren't submitting bugs through the app and it's being addressed and worked on? Game forums are like reviews, when people are happy they likely aren't going to make a post. Someone isn't going to come in here and exclaim how happy they are they aren't having input issues anymore or haven't had a bg bug in a month or two. From personal experience, that's exactly what happened to me. Reality is, humans only care to put in the effort to post things when they're mad, not when they're happy. So maybe bugs are never getting fixed, but maybe they are and you just don't see that? Has that remotely crossed your mind?
    Well i keep seeing people complain about the same bug over and over so that's why i don't know that it's not been fix it (if it is, that's way too slow progress), almost daily people post about the exact same bug....i know some people complain for the sake of complain and i assure you that it's not my case nor my intention, to put in perspective here about how impacting this bug is:
    In this bug people lose the round even though they won, nothing you can do about it
    - people grind the arena to get those 90 units to buy victory shields and they simply lose it because of the bug
    - people lose ancient marks because of the bug and it's a huge amount
    - people lose energy that they probably bought with units (a refil it's cheap but still a loss)
    - people lose joy of the mode overall because they won the fight and at the end, the match was lost just because of a bug
    So i understand that you might know what you talking about in the case of fixing bugs, codes and etc but i invite you to understand how impacting this bugs is and why it should be a priority (which we can clearly see that it's not)
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    The bug sucks specially when u think you have a really good chance on the current or upcoming round; but i am not gonna be a hypocrite... I won a few where the bug happened..🤷
  • VestasCureVestasCure Member Posts: 137 ★★
    edited March 2023

    If you ask nicely, I am sure they'll press their magic "fix this bug" button they have. I'm sure it's no more complicated than that.

    Are you serious with this? We all know that they don't fix things with magic buttom but a couple of days ago they were able to fix that disastrous day of bg within a couple of hours, are you telling me that this specific bug is so complicated that it's been 4 MONTHS (it's been happening since season 2, at least with me) and they were unable to fix it? Sorry but it's naive to deffend something like that, i think it's more of a priority issue
    Yes, that is likely what he's saying. Notice anything about what was fixed within a few hours? A huge deal that was causing issues to a ton of players and making it near unplayable. That is a far cry from these periodic and player specific bugs.

    Likely what was causing the "disastrous day of bg" was something in their backend that they were about to root out and deal with. Other bugs are likely device or connection specific and take MUCH more detail to go in and deal with, if they're ever able to fully be dealt with. Stop acting like all bugs are equal, that's not how any of this works.
    I never said that bugs are equal nor something like that, i'm saying that 4 months is a hell of a long time for a bug to be active like that and are reported almost every day, making people lose important resources and etc, this type of thinking of ''oh this bugs must be hard and i'm sure they making a slow progress'' while months pass by and the bugs is still active, we have had bugs that lasted almost a year, how can you normalize this?
    You did imply that bugs are equal by trying to draw a comparison between a large issue affecting the entire player base and (what is likely) a device or connection specific bug.

    I'm not normalizing it, I'm drawing a line in the sand with the amount of people that do think it is as simple as pressing a button to fix anything. Maybe you understand more than I give you credit for, in which case I apologize. But reality is the vast majority of people complaining on here simply don't understand that.

    And how do you know no bugs are being fixed? How do you know people aren't submitting bugs through the app and it's being addressed and worked on? Game forums are like reviews, when people are happy they likely aren't going to make a post. Someone isn't going to come in here and exclaim how happy they are they aren't having input issues anymore or haven't had a bg bug in a month or two. From personal experience, that's exactly what happened to me. Reality is, humans only care to put in the effort to post things when they're mad, not when they're happy. So maybe bugs are never getting fixed, but maybe they are and you just don't see that? Has that remotely crossed your mind?
    Well i keep seeing people complain about the same bug over and over so that's why i don't know that it's not been fix it (if it is, that's way too slow progress), almost daily people post about the exact same bug....i know some people complain for the sake of complain and i assure you that it's not my case nor my intention, to put in perspective here about how impacting this bug is:
    In this bug people lose the round even though they won, nothing you can do about it
    - people grind the arena to get those 90 units to buy victory shields and they simply lose it because of the bug
    - people lose ancient marks because of the bug and it's a huge amount
    - people lose energy that they probably bought with units (a refil it's cheap but still a loss)
    - people lose joy of the mode overall because they won the fight and at the end, the match was lost just because of a bug
    So i understand that you might know what you talking about in the case of fixing bugs, codes and etc but i invite you to understand how impacting this bugs is and why it should be a priority (which we can clearly see that it's not)
    "Well i keep seeing people complain about the same bug over and over so that's why i don't know that it's not been fix it" the point here being that you probably aren't seeing the same bug over and over. Just because you see the same thing happening on the surface (people dcing, losing inputs, etc.) does not mean it has the same cause. That's what myself and Demonzfyre are noting, device/connection/etc. all play a role in these things happening. There isn't some magic line of code that is written wrong on Kabam's end that is causing these problems.

    So again, it is MUCH more complicated than 90% of people complaining about the issues seem to want to understand. You seem to think that the only possible reason it hasn't been fixed yet is because it's "not a priority", in which case I "invite you" to do some research on what actually goes in to development and maintaining of code. Maybe it's not a priority, or maybe it's just a little harder than you want to believe it is for Kabam to fix.

    I feel for people it's effecting. I'm part of the community, I play the game and have many of the same grievances (I've lost AW fights and BG rounds to dropped inputs and connection problems, I still have only received 2 of my 3 grandmaster gauntlet rewards since Kabam refuses to accept I only ever did it once, etc). But I'm so tired of everything being a conspiracy that Kabam is out here trying to make their players suffer.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★

    So i understand that you might know what you talking about in the case of fixing bugs, codes and etc but i invite you to understand how impacting this bugs is and why it should be a priority (which we can clearly see that it's not)

    This statement right here is why no one will ever be able to make you understand that what you say is wrong. A bug not being fixed in the time that you feel it should be, does not mean that it's not a priority. You obviously know nothing about programming or development. If you had even the smallest clue about any of this, you'd know how ridiculous this statement is.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    edited March 2023

    If you ask nicely, I am sure they'll press their magic "fix this bug" button they have. I'm sure it's no more complicated than that.

    Are you serious with this? We all know that they don't fix things with magic buttom but a couple of days ago they were able to fix that disastrous day of bg within a couple of hours, are you telling me that this specific bug is so complicated that it's been 4 MONTHS (it's been happening since season 2, at least with me) and they were unable to fix it? Sorry but it's naive to deffend something like that, i think it's more of a priority issue
    Yes, that is likely what he's saying. Notice anything about what was fixed within a few hours? A huge deal that was causing issues to a ton of players and making it near unplayable. That is a far cry from these periodic and player specific bugs.

    Likely what was causing the "disastrous day of bg" was something in their backend that they were about to root out and deal with. Other bugs are likely device or connection specific and take MUCH more detail to go in and deal with, if they're ever able to fully be dealt with. Stop acting like all bugs are equal, that's not how any of this works.
    I never said that bugs are equal nor something like that, i'm saying that 4 months is a hell of a long time for a bug to be active like that and are reported almost every day, making people lose important resources and etc, this type of thinking of ''oh this bugs must be hard and i'm sure they making a slow progress'' while months pass by and the bugs is still active, we have had bugs that lasted almost a year, how can you normalize this?
    You did imply that bugs are equal by trying to draw a comparison between a large issue affecting the entire player base and (what is likely) a device or connection specific bug.

    I'm not normalizing it, I'm drawing a line in the sand with the amount of people that do think it is as simple as pressing a button to fix anything. Maybe you understand more than I give you credit for, in which case I apologize. But reality is the vast majority of people complaining on here simply don't understand that.

    And how do you know no bugs are being fixed? How do you know people aren't submitting bugs through the app and it's being addressed and worked on? Game forums are like reviews, when people are happy they likely aren't going to make a post. Someone isn't going to come in here and exclaim how happy they are they aren't having input issues anymore or haven't had a bg bug in a month or two. From personal experience, that's exactly what happened to me. Reality is, humans only care to put in the effort to post things when they're mad, not when they're happy. So maybe bugs are never getting fixed, but maybe they are and you just don't see that? Has that remotely crossed your mind?
    Hi @VestasCure ,

    Thank you for sharing your view points.

    I would like to discuss these individual points.

    Firstly the forum, I completely understand where you are coming from regarding the human natural of only leaving or comment of negative matter.

    However, looking at the forum, actually I find a mix of various post, some are supportive of the work done on MCOC, characters design, some quality of life improvement, and even the postive contribution to the community Kabam Jax have done. There are also share advice and experience of content, and of course feedback on various problem, bugs and issues player experience in MCOC, that is literally what Kabam official support tell players to do. So while I understand your point, I'm not sure if I would agree with the sentiment.

    Secondly, the Instant KO bug, from me sharing the feedback on the bug, we come to learn that this bug have been goung longer thanr even I thought. The bug itself have only been add to the "Acknowledged Bug Board", this month, so based on @iDestroyerZ , it took Kabam 3 months to even acknowledge the problem. That still seem pretty long would you not agreed?

    Thirdly, what is the bug? how much more severe is it come pair to another? do I have any solution? No, no, and no, I can fully accept that I'm clueless regarding the severe of the bug. That is because I have no experience of game design, I'm after just the consumer of the product, players pay for the experience and would like a good one. It is not the job of the players to come up with solution. If a person brought a car, and the car breakdown due to the manufacturer, then the manufacturer would take your car in and repair it, and in the meantime they give you a courteous car. They sure doesn't ask you how to fix that car lol.🤣

    Fourthly, I accept that this bug maybe extremely hard to fix, it might not even fixable (the input issue come to mind), I think this lead to the last part regarding Kabam, service and communication to players (their customers). Thing go wrong in life, it might be fixable, it might not be, but how to deal with it is important, an even more so as a company. Since @Kabam Jax been here, he have been extremely good at communication some some of the challenges between the players and some of the thing the development team is doing, for his part is doing an amazing job in his role, and I'm very thankful for it. However the actual solution itself need higher management to review and actually come up with solution, and that is where it is severely lacky.

    Right now Kabam customers service is follow this simple mind set. "yeah we are looking into a problem, you as the customer just have to deal with it, if we fix it we will let you, if we don't...well...keep waiting....but be sure to buy our deals, we even make the offer much bigger for you to see"

    Anyway I think I have spent way too much time try to give feedback and report bug to Kabam. Hope you all get amazing crystal pulls and hopefully an enjoy experience. Have a good day. 😊
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