Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Uncollected EQ

Just wondering if the difficulty in the uncollected eq has gone up, the PI of the champs seems to be significantly higher this month.


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    Dragstep50Dragstep50 Posts: 4
    I believe it has same with the Cav EQ
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    Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Posts: 947 ★★★★★
    I knew they were nerfing cav… so they do that and buff uncollected?

    This has to be a mistake
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    It's seams the changed iso from 3000 back to 575 there going to loose out
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    HaamertailHaamertail Posts: 109
    They definitely need to explain themselves as none of uncollected and lower difficulty changes were mentioned at all.
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    Nameless_IWNameless_IW Posts: 981 ★★★★

    It's seams the changed iso from 3000 back to 575 there going to loose out

    didn't notice that, thanks for pointing that out. I know ISO and gold are huge problem for those that don't spend countless hours grinding arena. i would include myself in that group.
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    Aside from AQ and AW, the monthly quest is all I played. Now, with this change, my 6 star haul monthly will be scant for way more effort. Not worth it guys. My whole family plays and it's such a loss.
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    PedrothosPedrothos Posts: 15
    I have to agree with all of the input from the other players. I made Uncollected after the Banquet event and in the time remaining was able to complete the uncollected quest plus clear 100% of the first two chapters with the time/fuel I wanted to invest. The T5 basic iso's were nice but I would bet that was due to the holiday season and all.

    If I had to sum up the changes in one sentence: Conqueror now has Uncollected difficultly with Proven rewards.
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    K9ButtK9Butt Posts: 16
    Looks like medium to lower level players really got the shaft. More work= less pay. Brilliant!!
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    K9ButtK9Butt Posts: 16
    Still no changes or comment from Kabam Management on this thread?
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    Maniek79Maniek79 Posts: 10
    Ok, now we have February and still no EQ NERF to previous level. Also prizes are same as before January. That's RIP for exploring.
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    OsirisAniOsirisAni Posts: 4
    While venturing through the Uncollected EQ this month, just like last month, the same thought kept running through my head:

    “This just isn’t fun.”

    So I turned off the game, because what’s the point of an unenjoyable recreational activity? I didn’t explore the UC EQ last month, and this time around, I probably won’t even bother to complete it, because I just wasn’t having fun.
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    OsirisAniOsirisAni Posts: 4
    The thing is, without the T5B catalysts, I won’t continue to progress, but I think I just don’t care anymore.

    Thanks, Kabam, for reminding me that this is just a game, and as such, isn’t really worth getting frustrated about. I can just walk away.

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