Forfeited 10 bad match ups Cont…

VinodCherryVinodCherry Member Posts: 63
edited January 2023 in General Discussion
Hi Kabam,

Is Battlegrounds only for Paragons and whales ? If so please hide it for cav n uncollected!

Am a cav with 2 R3 and 10+ R2 and many 5* maxed… my match ups are against accounts with mutiple R4s!

What is your match making logic, can you explain? Pleaseeeee
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    There have been many topics on this issue.

    If you have a lower rated account, you prolly have to spend some time losing while the bigger rosters move up. Or maybe wait a week and try again.

    You are in a tier with players who have a wide variety of rosters, and you are all competing to get to the next level, which will only be harder for players with lesser rosters. But when you move up a tier, you get the same rewards, whether you are Cav, TB, Paragon. Why should you face easier challengers?
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