First time Gauntlet Run

Jake125Jake125 Member Posts: 4
Initial Clear:
Before the gauntlet was removed, you were rewarded chest loot per path completed. 1 path = 1 chest, 2 paths = chests, and so on. Now all chests are behind a locked gate. Its all or nothing unlike it was before it was removed. Is this intended to be this way for people doing a first time clear?


  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,269 ★★★★★
    It was communicated prior to release that this would be intended. Because of the previous errors and because of how they would have to bring the gauntlet back, they wanted to make a way that players could clear it an equal number of times (3) for rewards while also making it permanent content. So the rewards are now behind a gate that requires a key, but the content is open for people to run indefinitely without access to the rewards once they have exhausted their keys.
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