Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Looking for PHC data...

StefffStefff Posts: 121
Hey guys. We've all wondered: What are the odds of pulling a 4* from a PHC? No one knows for sure. We hear numbers like 1/40 or 1/50 or 1/100, but what are the odds really? Well, we can figure it out. If anyone has done a big PHC opening recently, I'd love to hear:
1. How many crystals were opened
2. How many 4*s were obtained
3. How many 3*s were obtained

If we get enough responses, we'll be able to determine the effective odds of pulling a 4*. Please try to keep your responses exact.


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    JSnookJSnook Posts: 219
    1. 64 PHCs
    2. 57 - 2*
    3. 7 - 3*
    4. 0 - 4*

    If you would like to go further (Guardians of the Galaxy Crystals)

    1. 25 Crystals
    2. 23 - 2*
    3. 2 - 3*
    4. 0 - 4*

    These are the ones I actually tracked on a spreadsheet over the course of a week and half. There were others opened in the timeframe (probably 50) that resulted in 2*, but I didn't record them so it didn't happen. My last 4* from PHC was BPCW on April 5th.
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    djmindblazerdjmindblazer Posts: 76
    it's about 6month i have gotten 0 4* from phc
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    DrZolaDrZola Posts: 8,762 ★★★★★
    Compilation from a couple of mates:

    1646 opened
    184 3*
    12 4*

    That was a combined shard and full PHC compilation. But I think it's a big enough sample to give you an idea of the drop rates.


    Dr. Zola
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    DJRipsterDJRipster Posts: 169
    edited May 2017
    1% has been somewhat accurate for me in the past 4 months

    Here are my drop rates for the past 4 months

    2* 3* 4*
    88% 11% 1%
    92% 7% 1%
    93% 6% 1%
    90% 9% 1%
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    winterthurwinterthur Posts: 7,987 ★★★★★
    10 GotG crystals, opened at one go, 3 3*s.
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    StefffStefff Posts: 121
    DJRipster wrote: »
    1% has been somewhat accurate for me in the past 4 months

    Here are my drop rates for the past 4 months

    2* 3* 4*
    88% 11% 1%
    92% 7% 1%
    93% 6% 1%
    90% 9% 1%

    Do you happen to have the exact numbers of crystals opened? I need that data to calculate statistical significance.
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    RapRap Posts: 3,203 ★★★★
    I was having better luck than that for a time with 3 stars. But since the guardians event started it seems like suddenly I am hitting only 2s. I have the 2* Groot level 6 and I also have gotten exactly 2 3*s from the Guardians crystals. Wondering if they tweaked the content ahead of the 4 and 5 crystals and reduced the 3 and 4s?
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    RapRap Posts: 3,203 ★★★★
    I was popping 2 to 3 three stars an arena and was getting the max sig crystal a lot which was boosting my 4 star crystal build to about one a week...now I am at two weeks to build one.
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