Transformers Forged to Fight collab in MCOC

Hi Kabam it will be cool if you have a collab like realm of champions. Where 2 new champs are from forged to fight. Transformers forged to fight will shut down today its sad π. It will be cool if this year the two new champs will be Optimus prime and Megatron and the event quest will be about arriving in MCOC universe.The last mission of FTF hints on Multiverse. It will be cool if this will come to fruition so that it will be a final gift to us FTF players. Thanks!!!
Looks like a Marvel Transformers collab has happened in the past so I guess wouldn't be the first time we see this lol. But yeah sorry to say that will not happen ever this is a Marvel exclusive game there's plenty of champs from the marvel universe they need to bring before any wild idea like bringing transformers
rest up forged to fight, forever in our hearts
God Iβm old
In universe, he wouldn't! Transformers are made out of their own unique metal, one that doesn't have the properties of earth metal, so Magneto probably wouldn't have an effect at all
KABAM please make this collab Happen!!! it will generate a lot of $$$ if your wise to implement it. Go go go
bounty hunterfreelance peace-keeping agent who could easily appear anywhere the creators wanted.*the license meant Hasbro owned any and all original characters not from the toyline, similar to the GI Joe license that meant Hasbro owned Baroness when she debuted in #1 and later made her a figure.
Please Honor your promise because we players spend a ton on transformers forged to fight and you just close it. Its our beloved game.
Please please honor your promise about the compensation....