Device Comparison - Loading Times

solopolosolopolo Member Posts: 890 ★★★
edited January 2023 in General Discussion
Since I got myself a new phone on christmas and still have my old phone sitting around I decided to do some quick tests out of curiosity, just to compare loading times between the two, since that was by far the most noticeable difference as soon as I opened the game on the new phone. Also curious if people going fo legend titles have similar or better times?

Old device - Samsung Galaxy A12 (8.5 months use)

Game start time:
This is the time it takes to reach the game's menu screen from the time I tap the game's icon on my phone's home screen. To test this I simply started the game with a stopwatch on the side, and repeated it 5 times.
Time: 41-43secs
Got a random 48secs as well, but it'll consistently load between the 41-43secs.

Fight start and end times:
The time it takes from the point I tap the "Fight" button to start a fight, or the "Continue" button after finishing a fight, to the point I exit the loading screen that follows. Around 10 tests of each.
Fight start: 12-14secs, occasional 16secs (Just over 2 seconds of delay before the loading screen pops up)
Fight end: 8-9~secs

I also happened to test this after having had the game running for around 30mins, and had different numbers.
Fight start: 20-24secs (5ish second delay before the loading screen pops up)
Fight end times were about the same, marginally higher

New device - OnePlus 9 Pro (2-3 weeks use)

Game start time:

Fight start and end times:
Start: 2.5-3~secs
End: 1.6~-2secs

For those completing legends runs, what kind of loading times are you getting? I'm not planning to do any runs myself, just pure curiosity. The upgrade made the game 10x more enjoyable. Went from damn near falling asleep playing arenas to actually enjoying the grind for once.


  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★
    Just wondering, but does the OnePlus 9 Pro show the warp (Magneto's heavy) and transparent blur (Ghost's win) effects? They suddenly appeared again on the S22 Ultra and has me wondering if they've been enabled on other devices too.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★

    Just wondering, but does the OnePlus 9 Pro show the warp (Magneto's heavy) and transparent blur (Ghost's win) effects? They suddenly appeared again on the S22 Ultra and has me wondering if they've been enabled on other devices too.

    It does on my Pixel 6 Pro. Depends on the chipset for the graphics and ram.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★

    Just wondering, but does the OnePlus 9 Pro show the warp (Magneto's heavy) and transparent blur (Ghost's win) effects? They suddenly appeared again on the S22 Ultra and has me wondering if they've been enabled on other devices too.

    It does on my Pixel 6 Pro. Depends on the chipset for the graphics and ram.
    Hopefully they're enabled permanently this time.
  • solopolosolopolo Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    edited January 2023

    Just wondering, but does the OnePlus 9 Pro show the warp (Magneto's heavy) and transparent blur (Ghost's win) effects? They suddenly appeared again on the S22 Ultra and has me wondering if they've been enabled on other devices too.

    Neither. Kinda wish the ghost animations were there since I actually play her, but not a huge deal I guess. Removes the risk of affecting performance at least.
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