How do I beat proven absorbing man

I've not even got through act 4 chapter 1, and since this is usually the "heroic" difficulty I thought I could at least push through. But this is absolutely ridiculous. Any special attack he uses one shots even my highest power champs, and he regens faster than I can even do damage. I don't have a heal block character above 1300 power, and have zero heal reverse characters. My highest power champ is quicksilver at 3500, 4000 when at advantage. And even then I get one shot by any of his specials. Tbh this event sucks and I'm extremely disheartened coming back to this after taking a break since 2019. Are all events going to be like this now? I can't even grind out a 4 star from events anymore? And how the heck do I actually beat this boss at all? I've got him to 75% and from here he just heals it all back.
It is really quickly making the game no longer new player friendly which is a really bad idea. Reminds me of when the WoW devs would tune raids to be difficult for the top 1% guilds that everyone lost interest in raiding. It's much better to utilize node combos to make a champion more difficult than making him only be counterable by 5 champs.
Anyway, best and safest options would be doom or torch, but I'm assuming you don't have them so, gl.
Fight him like usual and get him to SP2. Don't throw any specials. Once he's used his SP2 and you've avoided it, just build up to SP3. Use the SP3, and he will be passively stunned after. Then start the doom cycle and spam SP3s. Doom cycle is this:
1. SP3
2. When enemy is passively stunned, use 2 mediums. Then quickly do a 5-hit combo into an SP1.
3. This should get you either AT or CLOSE TO 2 bars of power. From this point on, quickly build to SP3s again by using M-L-L-L-L combos (seen as he's immune to shock, avoid heavies the entire fight and end with light attacks preferably when you have your aura up) -- bonus points if you can do this without him using a special.
4. Once you get to SP3, launch it and repeat the cycle.
This is pretty safe and he will rarely use specials while you power control him the whole way.
You may be able to get him down relatively inexpensively with her.