Who is better?

F317F317 Member Posts: 78
edited January 2023 in Strategy and Tips
A have a 6* generic awakening gen. Who is better for it, Nick Fury or Dr Doom?

Who is better? 8 votes

Nick Fury
TheBair123LBN1DaBigGubGubwillrun4adonutLickyPowerOfACandle 6 votes
Dr Doom
KNAKINTHMiniMF 2 votes


  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    Nick Fury
    nick needs it way more than doom. also, the deep wounds mastery is super helpful for nick
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 4,099 ★★★★★
    Nick Fury
    I almost voted Doom because I thought the question was who was better, not who is better to us an AWakening Gem on. I'm guessing that's what happened to whoever voted Doom.

    It's Nick all the way, no contest.
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