Here are my top 13 Champions 4* or above. Please rank them as defenders by putting them in order starting with best potential defender first and please give me your reasons why. Let me know if you would use my attackers as defenders instead and vice versa. None of them are duped (except Captain Marvel who I use as an attacker). All are 4* except one 5* Luke Cage (which I use as an attacker). Just looking for opinions that might help me. I don't want to know your opinion of how bad you might think my roster is please. I've only been playing less than a year and I don't put in as much time as most of you probably do. Thanks! :p

4* Luke Cage
King Groot
War Machine
Star Lord
Iron Fist
Ant Man

Awakened Capt. Marvel
5* Luke Cage

the HOOD


  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited November 2017
    Nightcrawler is the best you have, better because he isn't duped. He's boss worthy if he's ranked up.

    Yondo and War Machine are really good, especially on a unblockable SP1 node.

    KG, Abom, and Hood all decent. All better if duped, but not bad.

    Luke Cage, Starlord, Iron Fist, Loki and Antman are all just warm bodies on defense.

    Luke Cage can be decent if he's awakened and on an armor node. His big fault is that his Exhaustion debuff is a free regen to anyone with Willpower mastery. This applies to using him as an attacker too, resulting in your targets regenerating while you attack.

    What I would do:
    Capt Marvel, Hood, Loki, Iron Fist, Star Lord (whichever 3 you like best)

    Night Crawler as a boss or miniboss
    King Groot on an armor node
    Abomination on a poison node
    War Machine on unblockable SP1 node
    Yondu on a bleed node or unblock SP1

    Hood is a decent defender as well, but I like him more on attack.
    You can put Antman on an armor node once he's awakened.

  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,294 ★★★★★
    If your 5* Luke Cage is rank 3 max level and awakened, possible miniboss (though I may get laughed at for suggesting it).

  • WrongswordWrongsword Member Posts: 39
    edited November 2017
    winterthur wrote: »
    If your 5* Luke Cage is rank 3 max level and awakened, possible miniboss (though I may get laughed at for suggesting it).

    You will, it's bad.

    OP- Yondu, NC, Hood, King Groot are your best probably more or less in that order. I think KG better on regeneration node than armor because he has high natural regeneration and that will help it a lot. NC best on stun immune, Hood on sp2 unblockable. Yondu I think could be good on a lot of nodes, but unblockable sp1 or sp2, stun immune, and bleed nodes should all be good. Test him out see what works. War machine is OK on sp1 unblockable. Also Yondu and NC have a very good block penetration synergy which is excellent on defenders.

    No one else is worth using on defense. Guys like Luke Cage /ant/ Hulkbuster are worthless, a little armor or physical resist is just the difference between a 20 hit kill or a 22 hit kill. Things that mess up opponents combos are the really powerful defensive abilities like evade, unstoppable or unblockable, as well as automatic damage like limbo from Magik.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    ^^^ Only thing to add to that is that KG is good on the regen nodes once he is awakened. Unduped, he doesn't have regen and isn't any different than a Hulkbuster on defense.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    edited November 2017
    Awesome guys, thanks. I appreciate it. Yeah, I've been using Hood, Capt Marvel, and 5* LK as attackers. I find I get most of my kills with the hood because he is a problem once he becomes invisible, Capt Marvel because she is my only duped and has a good balance of speed and strength, and LK because he is my only 5* and once ranked up he can do some heavy lifting for me, plus bleed immune comes in handy. If I am not at war I use Yondu as a quest attacker instead of LK. He's like my utility player.

    The 5 I've been using for War defense are Nightcrawler, Yondu and Star Lord (Yondu has synergy w NC and SL), King Groot and Abomination (synergy).

    The others get used for story if running AQ and AW at the same time.

    This came about because I just got WAR Machine as my latest 4* and I wasn't sure if I liked him or not but I felt like he might be a good defender. It's disappointing that he has pretty much the same suit as Tony Stark but doesn't have regen in the game.

    Thanks again. Gave me good ideas.
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721

    4* Luke Cage
    King Groot
    War Machine
    Star Lord
    Iron Fist
    Ant Man
    Nightcrawler-Great Evade
    Yondu-Parry Immune
    Loki-Buff Steal, SP2 Unblockable, SP3 Really Handy
    Starlord-Great Especially if you dupe him
    Ant-Man-Only if you dupe him if not
    King Groot-Mostly for his buffs.

  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    ^^^ Correction, Yondu isn't parry immune. You can't parry his Yaka arrow (heavy and light attacks), but you can still parry his medium/dash attacks.

    When fighting against him, you have to force him to dash attack you and you can parry away. The up-close parry's are hit/miss because sometimes he uses a light attack (stun-immune) and sometimes he uses a medium.

    Good discussion on it here:
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    I would go Yondu NC KG and Hood for sure on defense. 5th would be War machine I guess, especially if an unblockable s1 is open. If someone else is dropping War Machine KG or Hood though, I wouldn't drop 2 of those.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    I've been using Star Lord on the unstoppable SP2 +20% damage node since WAR Machine isn't powered up yet but I was thinking about putting my awakened maxed 3* Howard the duck there. His SP2 is sick except against iceman who is immune to everything and his armor rating is unbelievable. The alliances I'm facing right now aren't that strong and tend to avoid that node anyway because they come straight up the middle but I think Howard could get some kills there. I also have a maxed duped 3* Hyperion, Punisher, and the Hood.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    .....and Wolverine.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    I have a few more 4* Champs now and my King Groot is Awakened.
    New Champs:


    What I've been doing on WAR defense:
    NIGHTCRAWLER - Stun Immune Node
    KING GROOT (AWAKENED) - Regen node
    3* Maxed/Awakened HOWARD the DUCK - Unst. SP2 +20 node
    3* Maxed/Awakened HYPERION - Unst. SP1 +30% node

    WAR MACHINE/ANTMAN/VULTURE/DAREDEVIL not yet leveled up enough for War.
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