Stop Voting For Spider Punk!

Now I know that I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this, but please, don't vote for him. I mean, don't we have, like, 10 Spider-people in the game already? And I'm sure Kabam's gonna add him regardless of if he wins the Summoner's Choice or not. I mean, Spider-people are basically Kabam's cash cow. Especially new players, who are always hyped whenever a Spider-character is going to be released. It is time to stop this trend. Spider Punk is probably just going to go around bashing people on the head with a guitar, or maybe trap them in a web and play heavy metal in front of them until they go deaf. That's his sp3. And don't we already have a champ that hits people with a cool, '80s object(Night Thrasher). Spider Punk is just going to be reusing Night Thrasher's animations. Do we really want that to happen? We need interesting characters, not more Spider-people. And sure, I mean people are looking for his punk aspect, but come on! His punk aspect is hitting people with a guitar and blasting heavy metal in their ears to make them go deaf! What is this Kabam? Is this a joke to you? Stop making Spider-people! What we need is change, diversification, NOT SPIDER-PEOPLE! I honestly wouldn't even mind if my boy Bullseye doesn't make it. If Spider Punk doesn't make it, I can rest easy. if he does make it, then I'm pretty sure the voting was rigged
I don't care to be honest, but let people vote for who they want instead of telling them who NOT to vote for.
Molten Man
Cosmic Spider-Man
Punk culture isn’t just loud music and spiky hair, it’s a “the world is broken and I’m going to fight to fix it” mentality. And I think that rules.
For example: why would I want Bullseye? We’ve already got two skill champions whose whole thing is pinpoint, never-miss accuracy (Hawkeye and Hawkeye in a tracksuit) and nobody plays them. Obviously you shouldn’t vote for Bullseye because it’s more of the same.
To be clear, I don’t believe what I just wrote. Personally I actually think both of those champs are cool, please don’t hate me for using them as my example. But the point is that every one of the champs in this competition have cool things about them.
That’s why I’m not on the forums campaigning against any of the champs. I have a least favorite, but I also recognize that my least favorite is somebody else’s favorite and they aren’t wrong for having a different opinion than me. I’ll say why I like my choice, you say why you like yours, and we’ll both try to convince people why they’d be a good choice. That’s way more productive than the “your choice is dumb and bad and so are you” energy you’ve got going here.
You are not in the wrong here, but sometimes is better just to keep the water flowing, if you throw rocks trying to stop it the river will overflow
Congratulations to out newest champion Spider-Punk