DXFH Recruiting Tier 4 aw 10M Alliance

We are a active aq and aw based team we are looking for some replacements and I believe it could be beneficial for you to join us like joking around if you feel other alliance tell you to calm down might get others mad that's not here we find it beneficial to be called out if we aren't doing our fair share but overall we don't need to tell anyone that because it really doesn't happen now what we are looking for

4800 and up prestege
Be able to complete map5 all days and map 6 experience.

We do these events and rank in them
Item use
That's pretty much all we rank in but we do at times rank in arenas
Our starting prestege is 5004 so we would like guys around that but you know can't always get what you want and I find some high prestege guys to be lazy not all
And would like the profile you join with us to be your main one any other questions hit me up on line

Line id kchitman18


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