Jessica Jones can't miss

FlipBoyFlipBoy Member Posts: 115
Can someone explain how Jessica Jones can't miss at the start of a fight when she's a defender? Nothing in her kit explains it.


  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Are there any nodes involved? Why content are you referring to?
  • FlipBoyFlipBoy Member Posts: 115
    No nodes that involves her not to miss. I was doing EQ. But I found the reason. She has a psychic shielding tag. I didn't even know she had that ability in the comics.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,693 ★★★★★
    FlipBoy said:

    No nodes that involves her not to miss. I was doing EQ. But I found the reason. She has a psychic shielding tag. I didn't even know she had that ability in the comics.

    Yeah, her biggest enemy being Kilgrave aka The Purple Man, it makes sense. That’s cool, I didn’t know she had that in the game.
  • BanannaPandaBanannaPanda Member Posts: 154
    Psychic shielding only prevents miss with stryfe. Others should be fine
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,333 ★★★★★
    since when does psychic shielding allow you to not miss? i thought it only prevented reverse controls.
  • GhostFace2022GhostFace2022 Member Posts: 168
    Deacon you have Attuma?
  • GhostFace2022GhostFace2022 Member Posts: 168

    since when does psychic shielding allow you to not miss? i thought it only prevented reverse controls.

    You have Attuma?
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,333 ★★★★★

    since when does psychic shielding allow you to not miss? i thought it only prevented reverse controls.

    You have Attuma?
    Yep. I really like him.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,693 ★★★★★

    since when does psychic shielding allow you to not miss? i thought it only prevented reverse controls.

    It prevents psychically inflicted effects. So that’s things like Emma Frost’s reverse controls or Stryfe or Prof X’s miss mechanics. There are other examples, but those are the most prominent ones.

    I think it’s why Juggernaut can still have his controls reversed by this EOP Thanos even though he has psychic shielding. Because it’s not a psychically inflicted effect.
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