Auto Start the Fight Stops working

After this past update when you start Auto in quests, it will move around the board and will actually auto fight. However, the auto start of the fight will work for a bit, but eventually it will stop loading the fight altogether and you have to manually start it, negating its purpose. Closing and restarting the app helps temporarily, but it will eventually stop again.

I checked with my alliance and it's happening to multiple people.

I'm using an Android device.


  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,493 ★★★★★
    Same here. Restarts fixed it indeed but for how long ? Will see
  • Warrior_NZ91Warrior_NZ91 Member Posts: 9
    Same here. It's been doing it since before the latest update and I thought it'd be fixed with the update, which it didn't. Funny thing tho, this issue only happens on two of my android phones, but it doesn't on my third phone.
  • Warrior_NZ91Warrior_NZ91 Member Posts: 9
    So I guess we have been ignored... Once again, if it's not affecting everyone it's not top priority
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