Wolverine Buff Concept

Values are assuming he is r4, I'm not bothered to do stats.
Some genuine feedback would be helpful as I have a few other kit ideas I'm working on.

Wolverine - Mutant

Awakening Ability
Unbending Will
At the start of the fight Apply a deep wound passive dealing 2000 damage to the opponent lasting 5 seconds.
When a bleed fails due to immunity, the next hit is a guaranteed critical hit.
Regeneration rate can not be lowered bellow 10%.

Wolvorine's healing factor reduces the duration and damage of incoming bleed and poison debuffs by 50%.

Deep Wound - Max Stacks 1
Deep wound effects do not count as bleeds.
Striking the opponent with deep wound has a:
8% chance to regain 8% of missing health over 10 seconds.
40% chance to apply a bleed debuff dealing 3000 damage over 5 seconds.

Special 1
Apply a deep wound passive dealing 4000 damage over 8 seconds. Increase chance to apply a bleed debuff while this deep wound is active by 35%.

Special 2
Apply a deep wound passive dealing 7000 damage over 25 seconds.

Special 3
Overloading his regeneration, once per fight, regain 1% of missing health for each time a heal buff has been gained this fight.

Last Stand
Mutants gain 10% attack rating for each dead mutant on the team.

Spooky Adamantium Skeletons
Synergy members: Bleed and armour break debuffs gain +3 seconds duration and +20% potency.

Cyclops: Critical hits give a 20% prowess buff for 10 seconds.
Synergy members: Special attacks are guaranteed criticals.

Sorta Love Life
Phoenix: Incinerate debuffs gain +200% potency.
Wolverine: Bleed debuffs increase ability accuracy by 4%.

Apocalypse: If the hit before special 1 was a heavy attack, apply a bleed debuff dealing 100% of your attack rating over 25 seconds. This bleed counts is counted as a personal debuff in his heavy and special attacks.

Totally Same
Synergy members: Increase regeneration rate by 3% for each bleed debuff on the opponent.

Arch Nemesises:
Sabretooth: Double tapping block counts as idling for 1 second.
Omega Red: While death field is active, death spores take an extra second to fall off.
Wolverine: Bleed ability accuracy is increased by 10%.


  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,122 ★★★★★
    My concern is that his regen would be nerfed significantly in order to give him utility. With him as is, all you have to do is tank hits and not use specials to regen health.

    I would love it if he did get an increase to his PI and some updated synergies to add some missing pieces. I'll even agree with adding a critical bleed to sp2 and maybe sp3 but beyond that... No, don't touch the regen.
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