Crossbones or Tigra
Hey guys! I'm new here so go easy on me lol. I have a 5 star Crossbones and a 5 star Tigra (neither duped). Who should I upgrade first?? I hear good for both. I don't have any good skill on my main team.
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
if you don't have skill champions then Crossbones is the winner!
Also, if you don't have any skill I would go with crossbones, Tigra is great but requires a lot of work to get great WITH her.
Additionally, I like to think that champions that require higher skill work better ranked for the "average joe" because you have a higher margin for error.
I don't have Crossbones myself but his main draw for me is his defensive ability accuracy reduction. It's an ability that is incredibly useful. Since I don't have him, I'm not sure how easy it is to keep enough fury buffs to completely shut off your opponent's defensive abilities, but it shouldn't be that hard against #Hero champions at least.
I personally love Black Cat because she can reduce her opponent's defensive abilities in much the same way that Crossbones can. It's a lovely ability to have, so despite my absolute adoration of Tigra, I would probably rank up Crossbones for the moment.
As a semi-new player myself, I've found it really helpful to tap into YouTube guides about how to most efficiently play certain champs.
The most important advice I received early on was to focus on leveling champs you enjoy playing. So if you give a little time to either, pick the one you like more!
The thread I'm referring to is the "BG question to Paragons" thread. I'm not trying to be rude or break any tos, just would really appreciate acknowledgement that Kabam is aware of the perception that Kabam is encouraging players to avoid account growth based on Bg matchmaking.