Game freezes and crashes when bringing Horseman against Event Quest Titania Boss

altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,624 ★★★★
I am playing on an iPhone XR, with the game updated to the latest available in the iOS app store.

The game behaves normally while completing the path in Chapter 2.2 of the Event Quest. When I get to the Titania boss, I apply Apocalypse's Horseman prefight, then enter the fight with Archangel.

The game shows both champions running towards each to other and then freezing (they are still further away from each other then they would be if the match actually started). Nothing works - I can't hit the pause button.

The first time this happened, I force quit. When I entered the game again, Apoc's prefight was already deemed used but Archangel was not a Horseman. This time when I entered with Archangel (again, not a horseman), the fight started normally and was entirely normal.

I did several other bits of content without any issue.

Several hours later, I again completed a path in Chapter 2.2 and got to Titania. I again appled Apocalypse's pre-fight to the match, and then entered with Apoc. Again, the game froze with the two characters still apart from each other. This time, the entire game crashed on its own after a 5-10 seconds (I did not have to force quit this time).

I have used Apoc's horseman ability on different pieces of content this month, and have not encountered this crashing bug. So I don't know if there is something specifically with Ch 2.2 nodes, Titania's abilities, Archangel, or something else.
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