Game is in the worst state I've encountered

I am running beta, still havibg weird cuts with specials, freezing, lagging, and input issues. I restart the game and phone multiple times a day. Strong wifi. Costing revives and potions to handle these issues. Not seeing any improvement. How's experience fir everyone else?
Tickets just get me cut and paste answers from Kabam.
Tickets just get me cut and paste answers from Kabam.
Sadly I think they are going to drop the game in maybe 1-2 years since they are not releasing much content anymore, no Variants, not talking about harder/funnier ones with better rewards but not even some like the last ones, no real improves on game modes, the lack of interest in making the ones that exist enjoyable, feels like their own employees dont even test what they are about to release or dont really think about it that much.
And they will probably remove this post because "It is not constructive" as they dont really take criticism very well as proven many times.
Feels like it is only constructive when people says "Yeah, this is a good change", when people says that it is not then "Its not constructive, they are only complaining about everything".
So much things that have an easy fix, so much things that are still done wrong or not even acknowledged.
I posted a discussion about an important bug about act 8 path, they said nothing and it is still running, but hey, if someone becomes Paragon they are like "Yeah lets go!" or someone says something that really triggers them like "Why is this not done yet" or "Did you forget about this" they post fast and furious something like "Thats not right, we are doing this and that and we didnt forget or we dont have time for those"
I dont know about other games, but MCOC has a big lack of interest from their owners and personally, by my perspective as a fam that studied marketing and business and worked at it, they have to improve in some areas related to that, and this is a very constructive post, since MCOC does not get good reviews at all when they release, change or do something, and even worse, they dont really seem to care about it.
Anyway, Ill just wait to get warned again by Jax or Miike, because as I said before, they just dont take criticism well if it doesnt say that they are doing well. And Im quite fair, since I really said a few times that they did a great job when they did, and I said that they did not when they didnt, so this is not another hate post like others, I would just hope they really asnwer with something like
"Well, what we should do?" or "This is what we have planned" so people can see what you are doing or planning to do with the game and with the content, having good surprises are quite nice, but not when the game has a lot of issues and people would rather stop playing or play a lot less or stop spending like was my case instead of waiting for a sudden improvement.
I think Kabam should talk more with the content creators mainly and take seriously the advices and requests they do because they do me most fair ones usually.
Or contract someone that could help you on some areas, there are a lot of issues that have easy solutions, and when I say easy I dont say immediate, if you have to wait half a year because you are working on other stuff right now, thats nice, but talking to the consumers and saying "we are thinking about this, and as soon as we have time we will change this to make it better, we will try to do it between this year and the next one", that would be enough.
And as I say, its not all bad, but getting a surprise gift on Xmas holidays or a "good" offer sometimes is not going to compensate all the constant bugs and issues the game had for the last 2 years that made it not enjoyable at all for a lot of players.
And I know you will take this comment as harmful or not constructive, but seriously, I cant be more constructive, I would even help you for free with some decissions and give you ideas on how to fix some things in faster and more economic ways since I really enjoy this game and its one of the fews things I do outside of working at my job and man, feels bad to see how it the joy of playing this game for hours is constantly in decay for a lot of players that have been here for years and years.
So Miike, Jax, or whoever is reading this post, think about this instead of just removing it, have a nice day.
Good to see that you're still claiming that there are easy things to fix with having zero idea of anything works behind the scenes in this game.
No one wants your ideas brought to the game team. Nothing you've ever said has anything of merit.
These issues have been going on for what's the timeline? I know if I couldn't do my job then I would be highly criticized and ultimately not have a job at all...just sayin 🙃