3 people looking for P3 Alliance, M8 AQ. Australia Timezone. Prestige 16k each

we have 2 Aust/NZ timezone players and one New York based. Looking for Australia timezone alliance running m8 AQ (our current alliance places in top 100), and War Plat 3.
Prestige (incl relics) for 2 players is above 16k, and third nearly at 16k.
Will be moving after war season rewards.
Please contact me on line PsychoAkuma if interested.
we have 2 Aust/NZ timezone players and one New York based. Looking for Australia timezone alliance running m8 AQ (our current alliance places in top 100), and War Plat 3.
Prestige (incl relics) for 2 players is above 16k, and third nearly at 16k.
Will be moving after war season rewards.
Please contact me on line PsychoAkuma if interested.