What do y’all think of my first r5 (not a flex post)

IMO, cosmic or mystic for doom is the luckiest pull. But it is what it is. Personally I’m not a fan of science. But I guess scorpion is the best choice since I hate using QS. Thoughts?

Not saying he is the best Science champ.......that's debatable
But surely the best science candidate for a R5 gem.....him & Thing
Another one to join these 2 can be Spot, but I need to see a bit more of him
I was hoping to get a science for Scorpion. Great rank up. Or a cosmic for Hercules. Maybe a tech for Nimrod. But I got a mystic, which is a loss for ME. Debating whether to r5 Doom, whom I do not like playing at all, for prestige. Or to use it on BWCV. However, I will probably wait for Absorbing Man at try him out before deciding.
He is good for R4 but not one of the important ones