Slow debuffs are broken on SQ

My first try using She Hulk against Storm her Slow debuff was working...after that it quit working.
I got through the noded path after using a number of resources. But Stealthy, Quicksilver, Stealthy, etc Slow debuff didn't work either.
Also, why didn't CAIW not work?if someone knows please tell me.
Only thing that worked was intercepting...and that's against a very passive AI who also likes to dash back when it knows you're about to intercept.
I got through the noded path after using a number of resources. But Stealthy, Quicksilver, Stealthy, etc Slow debuff didn't work either.
Also, why didn't CAIW not work?if someone knows please tell me.
Only thing that worked was intercepting...and that's against a very passive AI who also likes to dash back when it knows you're about to intercept.
Slow doesn't work when you have class disadvantage too, if that answers some of your matchups.