Timeline for BG-rewards [merged]

I just want to gently ask if there is a timeline for the BG-rewards.
We have to switch some menbers because 3 pkayers quit the game because of lack of time or annoyed of the way it goes atm.
So the 3 will leave soon or already have left us and with upcoming AQ we need the 3 members in our alliance who are just waiting for the rewards coming out.
I know that there is a need of time to ban cheaters, modders and Co. but how long will it take this time.
And btw isn't there a possibility to ban them during the season? I would appreciate a complete ban for ever - would be making everything much easier.
We have to switch some menbers because 3 pkayers quit the game because of lack of time or annoyed of the way it goes atm.
So the 3 will leave soon or already have left us and with upcoming AQ we need the 3 members in our alliance who are just waiting for the rewards coming out.
I know that there is a need of time to ban cheaters, modders and Co. but how long will it take this time.
And btw isn't there a possibility to ban them during the season? I would appreciate a complete ban for ever - would be making everything much easier.
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
Dr. Zola
The challenge here is that this season ended on Wednesday, so if it’s 72ish hours again, that’s Saturday, which isn’t a business day, so that may be unlikely and it may push to Monday.
It would be nice for planning, recruiting etc for them to take this week off the table if it is in fact off the table.
So, we approach this once again.
The timeline from season end to reward distribution is usually less than a week. As pointed out in this thread, last season we had the turn around time closer to 72 hours.
We understand the difficulty for alliance management as we wait for the rewards to be distributed, but it's a necessary evil to do our best to ensure everyone is getting appropriate rewards.
As we continue to make progress on vetting and banning modders/cheaters and implement new automation along the way we're hopeful that this timeline will continue to shrink.
Kudos to all of you, as there are substantially fewer asks this season.
There are 3 options as far as I see, one would need some know how
1) Including AI and machine learning to track cheaters how you look for them manually
2) actually do your checks every couple of days
3) allow people to leave and take rewards with them as long as they are there when the season finishes
Option 3 can be used if you don't have capabilities, but honestly the AI isn't that hard my workplace has been doing this for ~5 years with little computer engineering skills
With over 10,000 people in the Circuit and countless more in the VC track, most of whom do a few fights a day at the very least, can you imagine the amount of reports that get sent? Even if an AI machine is able to judge 95% of them on its own, those on the cusp which need human judgment probably account for days of work.
AI is very good in my professional experience the hardest thing is optimising your training set. While technically easy it takes time 2 to 3 months for a course grain, and refine with time. This would save kabam money and time.
That said why not option 3 is easier doesn't take a genius
Is this a manual-enough process that things like this shouldn’t be expected to come through on weekends?
Are you able to rule out the possibility of rewards tomorrow and/or this weekend? That’ll allow alliance leaders to know what’s necessary heading into the next AQ cycle. Thanks for anything you can share.