Recruiting for a Map 554x5 alliance. Looking for players.

Formed yesterday, we are a very-fast growing group of thronebreakers and paragons. We require Discord for communication, run 554x5 in AQ, and have accumulated 15 members already. DM IW_Null#5825 on Discord to apply. Our alliance total rating is 16m, and our average prestige is 11k. We require 9k prestige and are aiming for Silver 1/Gold 3 at the end of our first season. In further seasons we estimate even higher placement and rankings.
DM IW_Null#5825 on Discord with a screenshot of your MCoC profile.


  • KingSageThe1stKingSageThe1st Member Posts: 102
    We have grown considerably since our last post. We are a newly formed alliance that runs 555x5 with master mods AQ and top 30 in S1 finish this season. We are estimating G2 or G1 next season.
    Average prestige: 13.1k
    Average hero rating: 1.6m
    4.3k glory weekly
    All paths are claimed and attack teams evaluated, diversity is organized and assigned.
    Please let me know if you are interested.
    We use discord for reliable communication but we can reach out to you on Line if needed.
  • KingSageThe1stKingSageThe1st Member Posts: 102
    We are still looking. Contact me on Discord at IW_Null#5825, or on Line at kingsagethe1st.
  • KingSageThe1stKingSageThe1st Member Posts: 102
    We have one spot available. Contact me on Discord at IW_Null#5825, in game at KingSageThe1st, or on Line at kingsagethe1st. We are about half paragon and half TB and require 12.5k+ prestige. 665x5 AQ.
  • KingSageThe1stKingSageThe1st Member Posts: 102
    One spot just opened up. Upper end of Gold 2 in war and this is only our second season. Tier 7, 665x5 AQ with 4.3k glory. 4M in BGs. Average TBHR - 1.7m
    Average Prestige - 13.6k
    Looking for: 1M TBHR, Thronebreaker+, 10 r3 6*s, and 13k prestige.
    Contact me at kingsagethe1st on Line, or IW_Null#5825 on Discord.
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